Le Parole degli Angeli
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The Miraculous Pendant A Sign

The Miraculous Pendant A Sign From The Madonna


The Miraculous Pendant A Sign : hello dear Sara Luce, I have to tell you that every day I carry inside my bra the Miraculous Pendant, and at night I place it under my pillow; a few days ago I was sure I had placed it inside my bra, but I could not find it, and so I thought I had forgotten it under my pillow, when I looked for it, it was not there, I could not find it anywhere.


After a few days the cleaning lady arrived and I asked her to pay particular attention in case she found it, but she did not. I thought that it might have fallen from my bra without me realizing it. My thought kept going to my little pendant ….


Two days later, I lifted my pillow and the Madonna was once again in its usual place … I shivered, because I understood that the Madonna wanted to let me know that she was right next to me.


The Miraculous Pendant A Sign From The Madonna was told by Maria



The Miraculous Pendant A Sign


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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