Le Parole degli Angeli
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What our Guardian Angels do for us

What our Guardian Angels do for us a inexplicable fact


What our Guardian Angels do for us : dear Sara, I already shared with you the story of my Guardian Angel Ceniel; yesterday I received another gift, He is so completely present in my life that anytime I happen to seek something, or desire something, it becomes true; however, I also obey his instructions; for more than a month now (as requested) I have been going to Mass every morning, and when I go, I feel a clear improvement of how the rest of my day is going to go, even though when I go to Mass I do not pray for myself but for everyone.


Now about the gift that I mentioned. A year ago I moved, and since I read a lot, I stored in the garage about 20 boxes of books and encyclopedias. Approximately last June, accepting that this house is much smaller, I decided to eliminate some of those boxes and to gift some others away. And so a truck came and loaded all those boxes, each box was labeled with the contents.


Only much later did I realize that I was missing the trilogy book on the places where Maria and Jesus were born and raised. I was desperate, I looked everywhere, but to no avail. In the garage there were only boxes with things from my children when they were very small, and the Christmas decorations.


Last Saturday I was once again thinking of those splendid books, and I felt a deep sadness within me.


On Sunday morning, 2nd of November, my husband and I decided to clean up the garage. As I was organizing different things I found a small box, sealed, and its label said “Encyclopedia Universe, last 5 volumes”. I asked my husband to pick it up and place it outside so it could be thrown out, it was too heavy for me and I could not lift it. He did not do it, instead he placed it on a table. The box attracted my attention, and while I was thinking on how to best dispose of it, I felt the need to open it. Inside it were the 5 volumes, and underneath them was the trilogy of Jesus and Mary.


This fact is inexplicable to me, for many reasons: 1/ on the box I had labeled exactly what they contained, and the trilogy was not mentioned. 2/ when the truck came, he supposedly hauled away everything, three of us checked and made sure of it. 3/ we threw away or gifted countless boxes of books and that was the only box remaining, apparently unnoticed despite the fact that the garage was almost completely empty by that point; 4/ the night before a fervent desire to read the trilogy came over me again, to relive those sacred places. Was it a coincidence? To the non believers yes, but not to me.


Ceniel, my Angel Ceniel helps me every day just like your own Angel helps you. We don’t even need to ask anything to our Guardian Angel, instead, ask for others, he knows what you need, but while you pray for others, you are also praying for yourselves without realizing it.


A hug to everyone


What our Guardian Angels do for us a inexplicable fact was told by Antonella




What our Guardian Angels do for us a inexplicable fact


What our Guardian Angels do for us


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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