Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


Experiences of the Soul

Experiences of the Soul a new vision of the real world


Experiences of the Soul : hello Sara, I am sending you my story of a small vision of the real world that I had a while ago, (while awake); I was in the car one morning, driving in the countryside, focused on myself, happy, smiling, one moment later everything I saw in front of me, everything I could see, everything I could touch, suddenly became sacred, I perceived it as such, extremely pure, extremely precious, beautiful, sacred.


I immediately headed for a place nearby, a little town towards the mountain, cut in half by a small stream. I decided to go visit that paradise.


A quick trip, but full of wonder and enchantment, just ten minutes.


Once I arrived, I headed for a trail, I was still overwhelmed by shock, wonder, enchantment, love, reverence, grace, and tears, all together, in a dazed state I headed toward that sacred space: everything was sacred, the grass, the plants, rocks, the water from the stream, the air, the light …. sacred and alive.


Soon after I decided to stop: stepping on all that life, that grass under the trees, the moss, alive just like me, it felt like stepping on it would be a sacrilege. I looked for a spot of bare earth where I could stand on … there was none. I was afraid to walk on it, of stepping on that life, fear of not having the right to, of harming it.


Only now, months later, I fully realize what I actually experienced in those moments, and so I thought I would write to you about it.


I was hit by a colossal wave of love that was pouring over me, it took my breath away, love was flowing outside of me upon everything that was around me in that moment.


I am not able to translate into words what I felt in those moments, but I will try: a powerful love, may I say, life itself, a vast joy, a sense of communion with everything that surrounded me, that was there with me, together with me.


Then, sweetly cuddled by that love, I slowly returned to reality, accompanied by a sweet cry of joy, I was overwhelmed by the gratitude that was spontaneously pouring out of me.


Our earth is sacred, as is everything that inhabits, we have to respect it and look after it, it feeds us with infinite love, and we should do the same with it.


Experiences of the Soul a new vision of the real world is a testimonial from Luca




Experiences of the Soul a new vision of the real world


Experiences of the Soul


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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