Le Parole degli Angeli
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The Guardian Angels for children

The Guardian Angels for children experiences


The Guardian Angels for children : hello Sara, I am reading several testimonials and I remembered an episode that happened to me when my daughter was 10 months old; we were close to Christmas Eve, I was alone at home with my daughter, and since I had to tidy up the bedroom, I decided to place her in her cradle.


At some point, I turned around and I saw that she was no longer in the cradle … panic .. I looked for her, could not find her, and there was silence … at some point something pushed me to look under the bed, and to my shock I found her laying here …


I lost it!!! I grabbed her, I hugged her and she was looking at me as if to say “What is wrong?” … I thought “How could she have possibly climbed out of the cradle (with very high sides) and gone under the bed, and for me not to become aware of any of it while being in the same room … how is it possible that NOTHING happened to her … my bed is made of wrought iron, she could have hit her head, and seriously hurt herself ….


Well, today I still believe that it could not have been possible … I get goose bumps just to think about it, Sara, in your opinion, what could have happened behind my back while I was making the bed?


I never told anyone … perhaps today I can contemplate that some Angel, or her Guardian Angel, may have supported her, thus avoiding more serious danger.


The sides of the bed were raised … even if they had been lowered, by virtue of how the cradle was positioned (right next to the bed) there could not have been the necessary space for her to end up under the bed.


In any case, it’s a considerable drop in height to be falling from …. I don’t know … even in the context of a possible fall, besides a great fright … I just thought that it would not have been possible … but then again I did not know about your website!!! Only today I have confirmation that my daughter must have been helped by Guardian Angels, who are always close to children.


Thank you so much for your availability


A hug


The Guardian Angels for children is a testimonial from Agata




The Guardian Angels for children


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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