Le Parole degli Angeli
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The discovery of the tumor dreams presences

The discovery of the tumor dreams and presences from the Sky


The discovery of the tumor : dear Sara, I shall tell you what happened to me before discovering that I had a tumor; one evening, I went to bed and I had some kind of nightmare, I saw at my side, mind you I was convinced I was awake then, a small thing, climbing on to my belly, and entering into it; during the night, I dreamt of my father, he was short in stature, when in reality my father was very tall, and he died 24 years ago of a tumor; in my dream he was looking at me, a little sad, he was not speaking, he did not tell me anything, and he did not do anything; I woke up, I thought about it a little in the morning, but then I thought nothing more of it.


All this happened in October 2013, after a few days I started to turn yellow (jaundice). I decided to go to the doctor, he ordered some tests, a CAT scan and that’s when the discovery happened, on 6th November 2013, I had a tumor in my gallbladder.


During the night (on 6th November) I once again dreamt of my father, still small in stature, looking at me, this time he was smiling, I believed he was happy because I had discovered the tumor and so I could have it cured. My tumor was 6x9 centimeters in size, I went to the European Tumor Institute in Milan, I had a visit, and the head of the department told me that they needed a little miracle to be able to operate on me, they prescribed a course of chemotherapy, which I took back home, so I could stay with my family, my husband and my beloved 4 children: 3 boys and a girl, she is my travel companion, because she is the one who accompanies me, and assists me during my bad days, which never fail to come.


After seven cycles of chemo, the tumor shrank to 3 centimeters; I was happy, I contacted the professor at a surgery department in a hospital in Padova, he confirmed that I now qualify for surgery. He explained the surgery to me, and what was going to happen. Last July the operated on me, they removed the gall bladder and burnt the lymph nodes ...


Everything went well, however, after two weeks, an abscess developed, I was admitted again, and spent two more weeks in hospital, in any case, it’s all right, especially since the positive outcome of the surgery.


After 20 days my mother came to visit me from Milan, naturally she did not know anything, she did not know about the second surgery.


That night, I had the same thing happen to me like it had happened before: I felt something like a presence near me, a weight on my body. My eyes were open, and I saw at the bottom of my bed a person, with a white tunic, without a face, telling me IT’S NOT YOUR TIME YET.


Well, I have no idea what or who it could have been. A priest told me that it was Jesus and that, if I prayed, I would see his face. A monk told me that it was an angelic vision and that other people had already experienced the same. But I don’t know why it’s been a long time since I felt my last “presence”.


Sorry if my letter is lengthy, and thank you for everything.


Goodbye and good night.


The discovery of the tumor dreams and presences from the Sky is a testimonial from Piera




The discovery of the tumor dreams and presences from the Sky


The discovery of the tumor


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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