Le Parole degli Angeli
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Accepting a design from up above

Accepting a design from up above that brings change


Accepting a design from up above : dear Sara Luce, dear friends of the website The words of the Angels, I would like to tell you about a very special encounter; a few years ago I was desperately asking for a miracle, I would walk into every Church I saw, to say a little prayer in silence; it was Christmas time, and I had just sent a parcel with a complete nativity scene to my sister; it was for my sister that I was incessantly asking for a miracle.


We were in Montreal, in front of the Cathedral with the world famous stained glass windows, my instinct was telling me to go inside for a little while, but it was closed already. A little more disillusioned, we approached the little square, and a beggar almost touched us, I still remember the worn out clothes, the white hair, and the plastic bags in his hands.


She told me in a single breath: may your wish be done!


I got goose bumps, my thoughts laid bare, I turned around, and I never saw her again.


The phone rang, it was my sister, she was so happy, she was smiling and at the same time she was berating me for spending too much money on the little nativity scene figures, but I knew that they didn’t even have a Christmas tree that year, it was going to be as if I was right there with them.


In that moment, I couldn’t have understood what was eventually going to be clear: accepting a design from up above, that brought me, and many more people with me, to some changes, to the experimentation of Love, and through the suffering.


Then, as compensation, I rejoiced from the happiness of that moment, and of that exchange of love, that in less suspicious times, never would have had that intensity.


Accepting a design from up above that brings change is the story from Marianna




Accepting a design from up above that brings change


Accepting a design from up above


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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