Le Parole degli Angeli
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2 October holy Guardian Angels day

2 October holy Guardian Angels day testimonials


2 October holy Guardian Angels day : our three year old needed to undergo open heart surgery, we drove to the Gaslini hospital in Genoa; with us was my brother, my sister and my parents; the following day, while the child was in the operating room, we went to the little hospital chapel to pray for a good outcome, there was not one open seat, my mother motioned for me to take a seat, but there was no room, at one point one lady gave up her seat for me (all my relatives, to day, still tell me that the church was actually empty, but I saw it brimming with people); the lady who gave me her seat told me “today is the 2nd of October, it’s the holy Guardian Angels day, and we were all asked to come and pray for your child”


The surgery went well, but even years later, we still remember my vision and many years later, my son got engaged with a girl who was born on the 2nd of October of the same year as his heart surgery, her name is Angela, is this a coincidence?, on that day, my son was born for the second time.


Thank you, Angels, forever take care of my child, Amen


2 October holy Guardian Angels day testimonials are the words from Sara




2 October holy Guardian Angels day


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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