Le Parole degli Angeli
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Immediate help from Guardian Angels

Immediate help from Guardian Angels stories


Immediate help from Guardian Angels : hello, I have an episode to share with you about the help that my son received from his Guardian Angel, my son was about two and a half years old at the time, he opened the oven door of my gas stove in the kitchen, on the stove was a pan of boiling hot water, he was trying to reach some meatballs I had placed on a plate, the entire stove fell over, it was but an instant.


I did not know where my child was, all I saw was chaos, I shouted to my husband “where is our child?”, he lifted the stove back up and he found him, crouched over, he said “it’s nothing, dad”, he got burns on his foot and behind one of his ears, but his Guardian Angel protected him from the worst, with the help of the oven door.


My child is now 33 years old, and he received miraculous help many other times.


Immediate help from Guardian Angels stories are the words from Paola




Immediate help from Guardian Angels


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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