Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


We do not need to fear death

We do not need to fear death Souls are present


We do not need to fear death : I do not know my Guardian Angel, I do not know what his name is, all I know is that my father, who passed away in 1992, showed himself to me, I was sad, I had had a discussion with my companion, I do not remember what I was thinking about in that moment, but I saw him, it was only for 5 minutes, and then he disappeared; my father’s image seemed veiled, not very clear, but I could clearly see how he was dressed and the expression on his face, he was serene.


Then my mother walked in and said “Achille is outside, he wants to speak to you”, Achille was my companion.


The second time I saw dad was at Easter, I was having a meal at my companion’s home, I was sitting at the head of the table, and on the other side of the table sat my companion’s father, he was suffering from a tumor; we were almost at the end of the meal when, and behind him, albeit very briefly, I saw my father; I told my companion “your father will pass away between the 22/23/24 of July”, in fact, he died on the 22nd of July, my father had passed away on the 23rd of July.


I had so many experiences that gave me the certainty that I am never alone


God bless you


We do not need to fear death Souls are present are the words from Simona




We do not need to fear death Souls are present


We do not need to fear death


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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