Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


Memories that warm the heart

Memories that warm the heart after death


Memories that warm the heart : dear Sara, I am a strong believer, and I know Angels exist, my dear mother passed away six months ago, an immense pain that nobody can heal, every day I miss her even more, and yet I have a strange feeling, I feel her close to me, as if she wanted to console me, and tell me “don’t cry, I am here near you”.


I have so many of her belongings that I kept, in particular two shawls, which I use every day, one of them I wear in the evening when I go to bed and almost every time I put it on, I say “my mommy” that’s when I suddenly smell her perfume even though the shawl is freshly washed, I washed it many times and I also feel a puff of cold wind and I ask my husband if he feels it too and he says he does not!!


Only I can smell her perfume, feel her presence.


Bye, a kiss from me


Memories that warm the heart after death are the experiences of Rosy


Memories that warm the heart


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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