Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


Ave Maria of Lourdes

Ave Maria of Lourdes chant and testimonials


Ave Maria of Lourdes : I just read a beautiful testimonial, the one named Chant of Angels gift from the Sky, I can say that something similar happened to me when my father flew to the Sky, I had returned home to rest, after two days spent with him at his bedside, I lit the usual candle and I fell asleep while praying; it was there in the afternoon when the sweet melody of a choir singing the Ave Maria of Lourdes woke me up, a breath of a warm wind blew out the candle that was still burning.


I went to the room next door, thinking that it was my mother-in-law with her radio, but there was nobody there, not even on the floor below, that’s when I understood, even before the phone rang, my mother gave me the sad news, but dad had already come to say goodbye.


I will clarify that the previous night he had kept pointing at the little fluorescent Madonna that I had brought him, smiling at me with a serenity I had never seen before.


My emotion is strong.


Ave Maria of Lourdes chant and testimonials are the experiences from Loriana




Ave Maria of Lourdes chant and testimonials


Ave Maria of Lourdes


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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