Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


One day we will be together again

One day we will be together again experiences


One day we will be together again : dear Sara I read a beautiful testimonial of the child who could see his grandfather in the house and he would talk to him, and described him to his parents, a presence that was next to them during the final moments of the lives of his wife and the child’s grandmother; then, as the grandmother died, the grandfather stopped appearing.


My experience is very similar, let me tell you.


As long as my father was alive, from November 2005 to February 2011 I kept dreaming and receiving messages from my mother, messages that pertained us kids, the family, but especially my father.


Then, after my father’s death, nothing else.


My heart is full of those beautiful moments I lived with her through my dreams.


One day we will be together again experiences are the phrases from Flavia


One day we will be together again experiences


One day we will be together again


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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