Le Parole degli Angeli
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Dreaming of dead strangers

Dreaming of dead strangers experiences


Dreaming of dead strangers : today I tell to you about dreaming of dead strangers, my experiences, one night, about 30 years ago, I had a dream, I dreamt of dead strangers, I dreamt I was sitting in our living room when I started hearing someone coming upstairs from the stairway in the basement, I got up from the sofa and I went to check, I saw an old lady with a young girl, about three years old, clinging to the lady’s hand, who was having trouble climbing up the final steps to come to me; in my dream I realized that this lady was a stranger to me, I did not know her, an unknown soul, and so I asked her why she was inside my house, she sweetly smiled and answered “I came to check that everything is all right”.


I woke up and did not give the dream too much thought.


I found myself telling my neighbor about the dream, who in reality is the owner of our place, I described the lady and the little girl, she knew I could not possibly have known her departed family members, and she showed me a picture of her mother in law and her daughter when she was a girl, this was her mother in law’s daughter, or her sister in law, I was petrified, it was a picture of them, but what made me reflect even more, apart from having recognized them in the picture, was the fact that I dreamt of them in black and white, just like on the picture that the lady’s daughter in law just produced.


At that point the daughter in law told me that this very day was the anniversary of the death of the little girl, 30 years ago, she had died from an accident in the house.


She reassured me by telling me not to be afraid, I was very young at the time, she said that her mother-in-law had been a very nice lady and that she was certainly happy that in her house now lived a girl who took good care of her things.


Despite her reassurances, I got spooked and a few months later I moved.


The accident that the girl had happened exactly in the stairway, the daughter in law explained that every day the lady would sit on the stairs to pray for her daughter in the Sky.


Dreaming of dead strangers experiences are the words from Cristina


Dreaming of dead strangers experiences


Dreaming of dead strangers


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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