Le Parole degli Angeli
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The messages sent to us by the departed

The messages sent to us by the departed in our dreams


The messages sent to us by the departed : dear Sara, I tell you about the messages sent to us by the departed, sometimes in our dreams, I also never felt alone, I always thought that those people we loved in our lives never really leave us, first was my grandmother, then my father, and finally also my mother; two days after my father passed away I had a dream, I was in the kitchen with my mother, my brother and my daughter who was 15 years old at the time, we were all sad and in low spirits, in the dream I could feel the anguish, suddenly from a spot on the wall came a ray of light, an opening formed on the wall, two small steps appeared, and from that opening came in my father, all dressed up in his suit, as if he was going to go to a ceremony, he was smiling; he walked down the steps and immediately went to my brother, who was sitting on the edge of the fireplace, he put a hand on his head, looked at my mother and I, he was still smiling, I reacted in wonder “daaaaad, how nice to see you, you came back”.


He nodded.


Then I asked him “dad, do you protect us?”.


And he said yes.


Then, as he looked at my brother, he told him “don’t fret, everything you see here I have achieved bit by bit, don’t worry, be at peace and keep serene, I will always protect you”.


He looked again at my mother, and at the same time he left, I woke up.


I never forgot this dream, I am sure that my father, and then together with my mother, are always with us.


The messages sent to us by the departed in our dreams is the testimonial from Milena



The messages sent to us by the departed in our dreams


The messages sent to us by the departed


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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