Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


The Language Of The Angels A Male Voice

The Language Of The Angels A Male Voice On The CD Player Go Slowly
The Language Of The Angels A Male Voice : it was the last few working days before the Christmas Holidays; I was extremely tired and stressed out, especially because over the last month I had met many clients and I was running a lot from one of the city to the other.
Exhausted, I was driving back home. I was in the car and while I was driving I was listening to a CD. I was not going very fast but I was certainly in a hurry to get home as soon as possible.
At one point, through the music notes of the CD, I heard a male voice, very calm, sweet, telling me 'Go slowly'.
Four times this voice repeated the words 'Go slowly', and in my surprise I instinctively raised and lowered the volume on the CD player, who knows, maybe something was wrong with it, but it seemed to work fine.
I slowed down and I continued to drive on slow lane, all the way home.
I don't know if I will ever know what would have happened to me, I simply followed that angelic suggestion and I arrived home with no problems.
The Language Of The Angels A Male Voice On The CD Player Go Slowly
www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en (the words of the Angels)

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