Le Parole degli Angeli
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Our Lady of Fatima Coincidences

Our Lady of Fatima Coincidences Are They Coincidences explainable event Our Lady of Fatima story

Our Lady of Fatima Coincidences : it has been some time since I read everyone’s witness, but I wouldn’t have imagined to tell someone this thing, I think today’s the right day, because of a series of coincidences, that aren’t coincidences.

It was 13th May 2009 in the morning.

My little girl Marina who was eight then, left home as usual every day to go to school, after ten minutes someone rang my doorbell urgently, it was my neighbor shouting and in a panic, she told me to hurry up and run out into the street, because Marina had been run over.

I got dressed in two seconds and immediately got to the place of the accident, I thought I was going to find her in the worst condition, but she was standing up.

The ambulance arrived and we dashed to the hospital, all the routine check ups, my little girl was okay a part from a hole and a bump on her head, during the day I received about ten phone calls even from people I hardly knew who had seen Marina take a flight of a few meters when she crashed into the car, and so they expected the worst, she left the hospital around about six pm, when we got to the car while I was helping Marina get in, I noticed a little sheet of paper on the screen, when I saw it I was almost angry thinking it was a fine; I went on the other side of my car and took a look at the other cars, there was no sheet of paper on the others only on mine, I picked it up and with amazement I realized it was one of those little religious calendars dated 21st April, I didn’t bother about it just then, I only wanted to take my child home, so I popped it into my bag.

When we got home I took it out of my bag to read it, it said “I admit that you can do everything and that nothing can stop your plan, why do you consider incredible that God raises the dead?”, I thought it was rather strange but I didn’t understand, that evening I let Marina sleep in my bed with me and while we were watching TV in bed, I kept on reading that piece of paper, and so I started to connect the dates; some years ago on 21st April an uncle devotee to Our Lady of Fatima, who had appeared for the first time on 14th May, had died and my uncle used to paint Her everywhere, then I started to think about what the people after having seen the accident had told me, and thinking that Marina was serious ill, but instead she was uninjured, I was confused, I couldn’t believe that from the hereafter someone could have seen to it and I didn’t believe it until before switching the light off, I asked Marina again how she felt and she said “thinking it over, it was nice, it seemed as if I were flying.”

A hug

Our Lady of Fatima Coincidences Are They Coincidences explainable event Our Lady of Fatima story was told by Catry

Our Lady of Fatima Coincidences Are They Coincidences explainable event Our Lady of Fatima story 

Our Lady of Fatima Coincidences

www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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