Le Parole degli Angeli
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Operation for cancer Contact with Heaven

Operation for cancer Contact with Heaven Experience of Peace Witness Recovery from cancer

Operation for cancer Contact with Heaven : hello, it’s the first time I write to you, I’d like to witness; some years ago I had undergone an operation for cancer, while I was in hospital and trying to rest I was looking at a picture of Padre Pio opposite my bed; the picture was surrounded by a wonderful light; thinking it was the TV I switched it off and tried to go to sleep, I was half asleep; I felt as if someone was carrying me and I found myself in a marvelous place with an extraordinary light and a voice told me to wait, I waited a bit, someone arrived; I didn’t know who it was and I still don’t, a tall man with a long red garment with golden patterns, he had big green eyes, it seemed as if he wanted to come into my Soul; I was afraid, but He transmitted peace; I immediately asked about my cancer, he told me to not worry because it was all over, but I had to pray, pray, pray: he said that three times, I perked up or woke up. I don’t know, inside of me I felt great peace.

Today, after ten years, I can declare to be fit, since that day I feel a presence next to me like a light breeze, it communicates with me but I can’t say how, but I thank God every day for what He gives me, what He is giving me and for having restored life.

Operation for cancer Contact with Heaven Experience of Peace Witness Recovery from cancer was told by Beatrice

Operation for cancer Contact with Heaven

www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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