Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


Intercession of the Virgin Mary of God

Intercession of the Virgin Mary of God Testimonial of a Grace Received

Intercession of the Virgin Mary of God : my dear friend, travel companion, a journey that brings me next to the Virgin Mother of God, the Mother of all mothers; my dear Sara, please send my thanks to the Virgin Mother Mary, with humility I kneel in front of her, with respect and devotion, me, a miserly sinner, I thank her for having saved the life of my son Massimiliano who is barely 21 years old, she, with her mantle and with the help of his Guardian Angel, she acted as a shield protecting my boy during the night of 2nd December 2009, at 11 pm, while he was returning home from work.
A car was passing in a no-passing zone and was taking up the lane used by my son coming the opposite direction, the passing car sent him off the road, his car was totally destroyed, but he was completely unharmed.
In that section of the road there are numerous trucks and semi truck, especially at that time of the night, when the truck drivers have had a chance to eat and rest, I know this because my son is a waiter at a restaurant that caters specifically to them located on that part of the road.
My son remembers everything, he told me that he suddenly was about to drive straight under a truck, then he did not understand what was going on around him, but all he knew is that when he left the car he felt disoriented, then the ambulance arrived and that’s when he called me.
After having read with joy all of your good deeds and all the messages you have been sending and receiving so far, I ask you to please post this message for me, to thank the entire Sky, our Father, our Celestial Mother, all of the Saints and all Angels and the Sacred Souls for the intercession that we received.
A big kiss and may you Angel Samuele accompany you and your family.

Intercession of the Virgin Mary of God Testimonial of a Grace Received are phrases of Paola


Intercession of the Virgin Mary of God

www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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