Le Parole degli Angeli
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Miraculous Healing Intervention of the Angel

Miraculous Healing Intervention of the Guardian Angel

Miraculous Healing Intervention of the Angel : hello Sara, here I am, I will tell you about my miraculous healing and the intervention of my Guardian Angel, I will tell you something that happened to me before Christmas, you need to know that at the end of August 2009 I was diagnosed with a distorted left hip with bone dystrophy, I was ordered complete bed rest for 3 months and in December I was due to undergo surgery to the hip, however the day before doing the MRI, I dreamt that my God Mother and my grandma, both have passed away 10 years ago and I had never dreamt of them before, came to visit me and they said that they would bring a nice surprise, during my dream I did not get to see what the surprise was.
The following morning I woke up, I went to the hospital for the MRI, I was already agitated for the test because I am terrified of that machine, such an ugly tunnel, and while they put me through this tunnel I thought “Angel, please help me, stay close to me, you know I am afraid, please keep me company”, well, I will tell you, the test was not even completed yet and I saw that they motioned for me to get out of the machine, I asked the doctor “are we done already? is there a problem?”, the doctor gave me a quizzed look, and then she told me “lady, you have just spent one hour in there since we started, not only that, you were in there even longer than usual”
I could not understand anything at that point and she replied “we had to check and even recheck because as we compared the results with the old MRI, you do not seem to have any of the issues that we found the last time”.
And while I was getting up, I noticed a little white feather falling gently on the floor, and then I understood everything, the surprise was my healing, and the feather was my Angel who kept me company.
I did other checks, and all with the same result, I was healed and I resumed working as normal, without any problems, of course now I take better care of myself but I have a certainty in my heart that my Guardian Angel is always with me, even my parents are close to me and to my children, I am no longer alone, they are my strength and my love toward everyone, and my collection of white feathers is growing bigger and bigger to confirm that they are here, they live, with us
Thank you for having given me the opportunity to talk about them, Angels do exist
A warm welcome,

Miraculous Healing Intervention of the Guardian Angel was told by Angela


Miraculous Healing Intervention of the Angel

www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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