Le Parole degli Angeli
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Imagination Or Reality Truth Testimonial

Imagination Or Reality? The Heart Knows The Truth Testimonial

Imagination Or Reality Truth Testimonia : hello Sara, I hope to be able to read the Messages from the Father as soon as possible, I wanted to talk to you about something, since my mum taught my young son to give little kisses to the Madonna, he is always sending little kisses left and right and center, both to Her and to Jesus (whom he calls JuJu), we showed him a catechesis notebook with the images of JuJu, as he calls him, and he loves to send him little kisses.
The other evening I took him to bed but the little mister wanted to do anything but sleep …. As he was playing, he turned towards the door and smiling he said “Hello JuJu!” I turned around and in a plea to Jesus I asked him “JuJu, help me here, please make him go to sleep”… suddenly I heard my heart beat very fast, a very strong presence in the room, and two arms that took me and embraced me without me moving a muscle …. I felt so wonderful ….. I am extremely happy, do you think it was only my imagination? I await your answer,
A big kiss,

Imagination Or Reality? The Heart Knows The Truth Testimonial was told by Silvia


Imagination Or Reality Truth Testimonial

www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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