Le Parole degli Angeli
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Heaven Sweet Presence Of The Heaven

Heaven Sweet Presence Of The Heaven Testimonial Drawing Of A Woman


Heaven Sweet Presence Of The Heaven : dear Sara Luce, I was reading some of the testimonials from the readers of this site and I would like to tell you what happened to my sister, it’s been probably 15 years since then, and I still remember that morning very clearly, here is the story, when my sister was born she suffered from physical/psychological damage due to negligence from the medical staff, this detail is important for the story.


One morning, around 15 years ago, I went downstairs in our house as I usually do, but I did not notice one detail. I rushed back upstairs and I saw in stupor that on the wall there was the drawing of a woman (I assume the Madonna) with a light blue dress and a red tear on her face. I told you earlier about the problem with my sister, to explain that the painting was made by her because the shape of it suggested that she had drawn it. In fact, I called my mother and she also could not explain it, so we decided to ask my sister what had happened the previous night.


She told us that a lady dressed in light blue and a gentleman with long hair and beard helped her make that drawing, and they told her not to worry that everything was going to be fine. In fact, after all these years of sacrifices, I can honestly tell that there is truly someone that loves us more than anything else, and that supports us with everything ….


I don’t know what they look like, but I am happy to know that they exist.


Thank you,


Heaven Sweet Presence Of The Heaven Testimonial Drawing Of A Woman was told by Simonetta




Heaven Sweet Presence Of The Heaven Testimonial Drawing Of A Woman


Heaven Sweet Presence Of The Heaven


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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