Le Parole degli Angeli
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NDE Experiences NDE after lost a son

NDE Experiences NDE after lost a son testimonial life Other side certainty life after death in NDE


Dear Sara Luce, it’s Elisabetta once again, I would like to tell you also about this NDE experience.

Once, a mum who had lost her son, shared her experience of NDE to a group of people at a convention, NDE’s that she experienced following the passage of her Son to the Other side.

She said that all of a sudden she had a cardiac arrest (or heart attack). She lost consciousness and immediately found herself in a luminous place where she saw her son coming toward her with a smile on his face….

She immediately called him by his name and rushed toward him to hug him, but, still smiling, he gestured her to stop: “No mum, not yet... it’s not your time yet…. You see, you are not like me and you can not touch me… but when the time will come, rest assured that I will come to you and then you will certainly be able to hug me”….

After that this lady was resuscitated and healed… but in spite of her pain in the chest, she felt so happy because she had the certainty that her son was alive, was well, healthy, happy, and now he was there waiting until her time would come.

The lady, at that convention, said that not only she no longer had any fear of death, but that she was so happy at having seen her son who was so well, he was so beautiful, that she felt she was born again into a new life after that experience.

What can I add to such an experience?

NDE Experiences NDE after lost a son testimonial life Other side certainty life after death in NDE was told by Elisabetta




NDE Experiences NDE after lost a son testimonial life Other side certainty life after death in NDE



www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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