Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese

Preghiere dal Cielo

Give me time to Love Poem Prayer

Give me time to Love Poem Prayer


Give me time to Love Poem


My Lord,

protect me as this new days begins.


Help me treasure the opportunities you give me

without getting stuck in my past

and without worrying too much for my future.


The time past belongs to me:

but now it’s yours,

it belongs to your mercy.


The future belongs to you too:

it will be mine if I can live my present.


Guide, Lord, my day,

my journey, my every step, my every gesture.


I ask you, Lord, to be close to me.


I thank you for this new day of life:

a day that will never come back.


Give me time, Lord,

to reflect and pray, to listen and to forgive,

to give and receive, to remember and to dream.


Especially, my Jesus, give me time to love.


Give me time to Love Poem Prayer from Giancarlo Gaggia




Give me time to Love Poem Prayer


Give me time to Love Poem


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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