Le Parole degli Angeli
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The little brother tales story

The little brother tales story from Bruno Ferrero


The little brother tales story : a young mother was expecting her second child; when she found out she was expecting a girl, she showed her first child, who was called Michele, how to put her head on her round belly, and sing together with her a “lullaby” to her sister who was soon to be born.


The lullaby, which went “Little star, the night is coming …” was one that the little boy liked very much, he sang it numerous times.


The delivery was premature, and with complications. The baby girl was placed in an incubator for intensive treatment.


The parents, apprehensive, were prepared for the worst: their little girl had very slim chances of surviving.


The little Michele was begging them: “I want to see her! I absolutely have to see her!”


After a week, the girl’s condition went from bad to worse. The mother decided to bring little Michele to the intensive therapy maternity ward. A nurse tried to prevent her, but the mother was determined, and she accompanied her boy next to the bed, covered in cables and tubes, where the little girl was fighting for her life.


Next to his sister’s bed, Michele instinctively put his face next to the little girl, and started to sing softly: “Little Star ….”


The baby reacted immediately. She started to breathe regularly, without gasping. With tears in her eyes, the mother said: “Keep singing Michele, keep going!” The child kept singing.


The girl started to move her little arms. Mother and father started to cry and laugh at the same time, while the incredulous nurse was staring with her mouth open. A few days later, the girl went home, in her mother’s arms, while Michele was nosily manifesting his joy!


The hospital doctors, embarrassed, described the events with difficult words. But the mother and father knew, that it had simply been a miracle of the love of a little brother for his much awaited little sister.


The little brother tales story from Bruno Ferrero




The little brother tales story from Bruno Ferrero published by Elledici




The little brother tales story from Bruno Ferrero


The little brother tales story


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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