Le Parole degli Angeli
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Change Conceptions About Life Put The Love Toward Yourselves And All

Change Conceptions About Life Put The Love Toward Yourselves And All
I want to say hello to you, after a long time I have returned to talk to you with all my love and all of the affection that I have inside for you, my brothers and my sisters, and I am happy to be able to talk to you again about the new world that we are building together, you and us.
It is not too late to put this planet of yours back to right, we can follow up on our last discussion that was interrupted by the holidays of our friend who listens and transmits our words to all brothers and sisters that want to listen and learn from our teachings.
My dear brothers, all that we transmit to you can help you change your conceptions about life and to put the love toward yourselves and all of your brothers in first place; only love must guide every step of yours, every activity and every thought of yours. Since we started talking to you, we have followed you carefully, with lots of affection because many of you, with time, will be able to listen to us, just like today we talk to our sweet friend.
Soon we will come to talk to you of the new steps that are necessary to create a direct rapport with us, who are always happy to help you and to become more and more aware of the extremely close link that there is between all of you and all of us.
For the moment, I send you another big kiss with all my love and soon we will be together again and we will be able to talk again forever.
You see my dear brothers, I have so many things to communicate to you but today I am very busy saving many of my brothers who are involved in the many wars that are still taking place in your world and that makes it impossible for me to talk to you who, instead, live in peace. For this reason today I am quite short, do you understand?
I kiss all of you with lots of love
Your brother Jesus, who always, always, always will be next to you to help you and to teach you all that is important to know to transform this earth into the paradise that all of us and all of you want it to become through our commitment, this is our wish:
To see you content and happy just like when you are here with us in the Home of our Father who is in the Skies, and who says goodbye to you and sends you all his great love and his blessing.
Change Conceptions About Life Put The Love Toward Yourselves And All was the Message received 19th August 2003
Change Conceptions About Life Put The Love Toward Yourselves And All
www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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