Le Parole degli Angeli
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Love Put Love First in Your Existences Teachings About Love

Love Put Love First in Your Existences Teachings About Love
My dear brothers today I have come to give you once again and as always all the love that I feel for each one of you my brothers and sisters.
It's been a long time since we taught you to look at each other as if you were always brothers and true sisters and to always put love first in your existences; there are no other teachings that are more important than the teachings I have already given you.
But what does this important teaching mean? I want to repeat it to you one more time.
To love is the most sacred act in the universe, to do unto others what you would like to be done to you is perhaps the greatest love that you could donate to a brother, to love every living being that exists on earth is a demonstration of the love that you have always had in your big heart, to love those brothers who are suffering because they have not had the same opportunities that have been conquered by all of you (and with this I am referring to peace, to material security, to emotional security, to religious and cultural dignity) even this is an act of love.
All this is stored in your good heart and it's ready to be brought out to those brothers and sisters of yours every moment of your existence, both now while you are on earth and also when you will come to the Home of our Father.
This message teaches you that love will always be the strength that will guide you at all times and in every dimension because only by mobilizing your love can your spiritual growth take place.
This message is fundamental if you really want to seriously evolve and grow, maybe the experiences from many of your tutors that are currently on earth can help you, or maybe you can find it useful to read the many writers that we inspire, but always remember that this love had always been yours since forever, and it's inside your heart. This is the most important teaching that we can all give you: it's enough for you to listen to your good heart and you will always know how to best behave in every situation that will present itself, at any time during your existence.
With these holy words I embrace you in an enormous hug that reaches every one of you, I hope that you will always feel all the love that I have in my heart for all my loved brothers and sisters.
Thank you for having allowed me to express my great love for each one of you, loving you is the purpose of my Soul and expressing this fills me with such pride because I am happy to be Love.
Your brother Jesus who always, always and forever will be with each one of you.
Love Put Love First in Your Existences Teachings About Love was the Message received 25th August 2003
Love Put Love First in Your Existences Teachings About Love
www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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