Le Parole degli Angeli
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Virgin Mary Words From The Virgin Mary To Parents Who Are Bereft Of Their Own Children

Virgin Mary Words From The Virgin Mary To Parents Who Are Bereft Of Their Own Children
This message is dedicated to all of my children who are listening to these words today: I have come to talk specifically to you to help you accept what you are going through; I am the Virgin Mary, I am the mother of all of you, I know that this will seem strange to you, but I have come anyway.
My dear parents, my beloved children, today I have come to you to talk to you about your children who not so long ago have returned here with us in the Home of the Father of all of us.
All of those children of yours, male or female, have left their body of flesh and now they are enveloped in the splendid light of their new body of light that gives them a resplendent look very similar to that of our Angels.
None of them was ever alone during the transition period, they were welcomed by their Angels and by the people dear to them who were happy to be able to see them again.
Every one of them was accompanied through their journey, the famous tunnel, and I can assure you that by then they were already not alone on the contrary they felt enveloped by that immense love that is the love that reigns in this marvellous place that you call Paradise.
I want to tell all of you dear parents what this place is like. You would like to see it again, today you have forgotten everything about it otherwise you would not be able to resist on your earth just for one moment, but today I want to tell you about it so that you can picture your children and you can recapture some of the serenity that these events have taken away from your hearts.
You should remember the magnificence of what it means to be here, from being constantly in contact with the love of our common Father to the extraordinary beauty of these places, ever-green trees that have umbrella-like leafs, very large and unlike anything you have seen on your earth, flowers from thousands of colours and perfumes that spread in the balmy air that surrounds us, the water from the many streams that has colours that can not be described to human eyes, everywhere there is a great peace because everyone helps each other and everyone respects each other as if they were all brothers and in fact we are all brothers between us, even here there are many animals but none of them are dangerous, even the birds that sing all the time are not bothersome.
Then there are our commitments where everyone chooses to do the most congenial thing to their Soul and they apply themselves to work with all of the passion that they have in their good hearts, sometimes their jobs are very different from what they did back on earth, here you always have the possibility to do the job that you think best suits you. Then there are the moments dedicated to the teachings and that's when our Guides and our Leaders help every Soul develop and understand all those relationships that had been created while on earth, they study all of the emotions and they treasure all of the experiences that everybody, even if young, has come to accumulate from the passage from earth.
There are also other moments where we play and we enjoy ourselves enormously with so many things that it would take days to explain it to you, then there is the contact with you who are living on earth, we follow you every moment because we are always in contact with your thoughts, many times we intervene with our thoughts to help you with your everyday lives or to quell your anguishes and even put a smile on your faces, many times we come next to you, we caress you even though you can not feel it, but we are always there when we feel that you need us and this is not a big problem for us, what makes us suffer is when we feel your inconsolable pain, this is what makes us really suffer because the one and only thing that we can not do is to go back to earth.
I myself have known this same pain when my son was brought to the cross and was killed in that terrible way, just remembering it now still makes me cry from desperation, but even in that moment, despite the great pain, I knew that everything that my son had predicted was pure truth and this gave me a lot of strength to proceed and to wait for when we would surely meet again and this is exactly what happened.
At that time I could not even bear to separate myself from my son, I had so much pain inside my heart that everything I saw talked about my blood, my creature, I needed a lot of strength and a lot of faith and a lot of hope and when my son came to take me to accompany me in this beautiful place where we now live happily together, only then I understood that those material things were not worth anything by themselves, what was important was my son because it was him that I really caressed whenever I touched all of his belongings. This will also be your experience when your children will come to take you by the hand and accompany you to our wonderful presence.
I see inside your hearts, you know these words that I have said have really been dictated by me the Mother of all creatures and have been dictated specifically to help you understand that beyond the physical life, life continues and will always continue because your Soul is immortal.
This greeting and all that I have talked to you about is my simple help in such a difficult moment as the one that you are experiencing lately, I have come to bring the hope and the security of what your Soul already remembers but your mind has forgotten.
All that I have said to you is what it is, all that I have told you is always what it is, all that I have told you about my life is as it has been.
My children, I am your Mother and I am the mother of your children, I take care of them with all the love that I have inside my great heart and I do everything to make them happy as if every one of them was conceived by my own body, try to be more serene by thinking that I am taking care of them until you will reunite again.
All that has been communicated to you is the reply to many questions coming from you, but there is one thing that I would like to add, do not try to understand the reason for what happened, these answers will be explained to you only when you will have concluded your natural journey on earth, only then you will be able to see the overall context of this experience, albeit it is a painful experience.
With this I will say goodbye to you and I send you my blessing, have faith, hope and trust in the love of our Father who is in the Skies, because even if sometimes it is difficult to believe in Him, every event has its own specific reason to be, it has its purpose even if at times from your limited perspective it is difficult to understand.
One day this plan will be revealed to you and then you will understand how necessary all of your experiences will have been and you grateful you will be for what will have been brought to you because sometimes it is only through suffering that we can learn how great the love of the universe is and how much help can be found while looking for our Father.
I can see that many of you have become closer to God specifically because of this great pain and here today my dear children you have found what you had been looking for, you have found my words, the words of the Virgin Mary that has spoken to all of you also in the name of God our Father and of his son Jesus, for this reason you must be happy, a large gift has been saved for you and from this moment carry these words in your hearts until the end of your earthly days.
I hug all of you truly all of you even those who still have some doubts, the important thing is that I have come to talk to you and to confide with all of you children, this is enough for me for this meeting.
I part from you with all the love that I have in the heart for everyone. I kiss you with all the love that your kids are sending you in this moment, they are next to you, don't ever forget it.
You mother kisses you lots and lots, be blessed my adored children, dry up your tears and make a treasure of all the words that I have given you.
I kiss you one more time,
The Virgin Mary
Virgin Mary Words From The Virgin Mary To Parents Who Are Bereft Of Their Own Children was the Message received 3rd September 2003
Virgin Mary Words From The Virgin Mary To Parents Who Are Bereft Of Their Own Children
www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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