Le Parole degli Angeli
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Love Make Love Available To Brothers And Sisters Message

Love Make Love Available To Brothers And Sisters Message
My dearest brothers, today I have come to teach you how to put the love for your brothers into your every gesture.
When I look at you, I see in your eyes, I see in your hearts, I see what you feel every time you activate a behaviour of yours, when I look with these eyes full of love, full of affection, I see the affection that you put in your own actions, in your thoughts and sometimes I realize that you could put even more love into it than you do now.
Brothers, when you put love into your actions you are the very first people to feel satisfaction from it, because you are the first ones to experiment this special feeling, affection, and it's exactly affection what invades your being and thanks to affection you will be able to feel like creatures born in love and born to make this love available to your brothers and sisters.
Since I started sending you these messages, with all my effort of affection, I have seen many changes in each of the brothers that listen to my holy words and today I want to encourage you to put all of your love, all of your affection, in all of the things that you do; when you are at work you can put all of your affection in your activities and all of your affection toward your colleagues, create those feelings of serenity that can facilitate your shared work, on the same token when you are with your family put all of your affection toward those people that are next to you, especially love your children, dedicate them your precious time so that your effort with them may help them grow in the knowledge of love and in the hope to be listened to by those who are older than them, just like your Father dedicates his time to all of you and listens to every thought of yours.
This message wants to teach you to be loving with others just like your Father is with all of you. Be always aware of his great Love, that assists you in every moment of your life on earth, protects you from dangers and temptations that continually try to distract your attention from your brothers to look at the selfish interest of one's exclusive benefit.
My beloved brothers, you did not come down to earth only to think about yourselves, you chose to descend on earth to make all of your love available for your brothers, to change the planet earth into a place similar to our Paradise.
My dear brothers and my adored sisters, when I look at you I would like to see all of this love aimed at those brothers that are in need and helping others grow in all of the aspects that are necessary in life on earth.
Every time you make your love available to your brothers you experience all of this affection inside yourselves and at the same time you experience that when you put all of your affection into it, situations change for the better.
This is not a small miracle, but a large miracle also because it can teach you to always put the love for the brothers and sisters around you as number one on your list of life values: it is not necessary to go across the borders of your countries to give love, you can even start today to make all of your love available to those who live next to you.
This is today's message that I decided to dictate to you specifically because some of you asked us help in this direction.
I say goodbye to you with all the love that I have for you brothers and sisters, I hope to have helped you with my holy words and I invite you to always love more and more, even in difficult circumstances because you will be able to experiment the great strength of love.
I part from you and I kiss you with all of my affection, I say goodbye to Sara who today has many thoughts running through her head, and for this reason she can not hear my words well, but never mind, the important thing is that I have been able to send you these important words of mine.
I kiss you and I bless you in the name of the Father, his Son Jesus, the Virgin Mary who is my mother and the Holy Spirit, go in peace and with my Spirit.
Your brother Jesus who always works with all of his great love and all of his affection for this joint work between you and us, forever.
Love Make Love Available To Brothers And Sisters Message was the Message received 29th October 2003
Love Make Love Available To Brothers And Sisters Message
www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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