Le Parole degli Angeli
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Falls In Love With A Partner Who Has Already Experienced Marriage Messages

Falls In Love With A Partner Who Has Already Experienced Marriage Messages
You see my dear brothers and my dear sisters, when someone falls in love with a partner who has already experienced marriage as per your Catholic Church, a whole range of problems are presented, whereas in other Churches this does not necessarily constitute an obstacle like with your religion.
For the Catholic Church matrimony is an indissoluble sacrament and this, in truth, is as it should be, however when two children are no longer able to maintain the agreement that they had exchanged in the name of love during the day of the marriage, then their declaration should be dissolved to allow both partners the possibility to look for another person with whom to live a new experience first of all an experience of love and then relive the sacrament of matrimony which is always and forever blessed by our Father.
You see our Father blesses the unions born out of love and blesses all creatures born out of the same love, there is no religion that will say that this is not the truth and this is because it's precisely what the Father does, to every son or daughter of his who moves through love.
Even though this meaning was picked up by your religions, people of your Churches put forth many other laws to protect this union and today's message is in reply to the questions that I receive from you, it's not meant to criticize the honourable intentions that guided your priests into protecting as much as possible every contract drawn in front of our Father, but it's important to take into consideration also the suffering that I see in the hearts of many sisters and many brothers who would love to marry again but are not allowed to.
I tell you that I do not think it is fair that these brothers of mine who desire with all their hearts to marry again with a new partner in front of God our father are not allowed to do so.
After all, what is wrong with two brothers who are tied by profound love who want to establish a new contract in front of our Father? Every relationship between two human beings that is based on true love is always blessed and forever will be blessed by the Father, but wouldn't it be better if it was done in front of the people gathered in your Churches, it would be like celebrating this new union both in the Sky and on earth.
This is our thought and it would not be that difficult to implement it within your internal regulations of the Church, but this is a discussion that I will have to have with someone else because you have no power on this subject, but I can assure you that I will pick up this message again with those who have the power to change your rules.
There is also another point, again tied to these new unions and it's the subject of the Holy Communion.
Brothers, the relationship with the Holy Communion is a relationship between your Soul and our Father, nobody is authorized to interfere with this exclusive relationship. This relationship is direct because when you receive the Holy Communion, that is the symbol of my body and my blood and when you take the consecrated wafer it's as if my body became your own body and you assumed my same commitment to help other brothers of the entire world just like I helped you, actually saved you with my own death.
For this reason today my brothers and sisters, I again tell you that the sacrament of the Holy Communion is only between you and our Father and it is right that it's you that should decide whether to take the consecrated wafer or not and nobody, nobody must come in between. You are free, you have the blessing of our Father and my blessing, do what your feel in your heart, you can communicate even if you have separated from your partner or if you bound yourselves for love to a partner who is separated. My brothers this is the answer to the question on the Holy Communion, be calm, I am talking to you also in the name of the Father who is here now and wants to tell you Himself his sweet thought on this subject:
Sons and daughters of mine, I authorize you to take the Holy Communion even if you have been married and now you have taken another choice; you have my complete respect and all of my love, continue to take the consecrated wafer, I authorize you, because the love that I see in your hearts, shines of a beautiful light and so why watch you suffering for no reason? You are in my big heart and for this reason I authorize you to take the Holy Communion even against the advice of your Priests.
In Heaven there are also all those Souls who have themselves witnessed a separation and are here next to me, it's not a crime to separate, what is important is the feeling of love; sons and daughters, the feeling of love through the Holy Communion is the sweet nectar of that consecrated wafer and feeding from this sweet nectar symbolized putting love for your brothers in the centre of your own good heart.
Now I say goodbye and I send you my blessing, in the name of the Father, the Child, the Virgin Mary and of the Holy Spirit, go in peace and with my Spirit and listen to all of the words that my Son is dictating you and always know that those are the same words as mine
Your Father who is in the Skies.
My dear brothers and sisters these are the words dictated by our Father in support of my own words, because we know that this subject is a delicate one and Our thought is different from what your Catholic Church tells you, and it's for this reason that the Father spoke to you directly today.
Now I will leave too, I send you a big kiss, a kiss to our friend Sara who is always available and I await your next questions, it's always a great pleasure to receive questions from all of you and for this reason I always invite you to speak to me from your good heart and I will listen to you immediately.
I say goodbye and I bless you, in the name of the Father, of this Son Jesus also known as the Nazarene, the Virgin Mary and the Holy Spirit, go in peace and with my Spirit.
I kiss you with all of my affection and all of my great love, soon we will take up this subject of the Holy Communion again, because I see that many of you do not know the true meaning of this beautiful and important rite and for this reason I will come to better explain it to you.
I kiss you one more time.
Your brother Jesus who follows you with all of his great love and wants his brothers and sisters to learn to also listen to their good hearts and allow themselves to be guided by their good hearts.
Falls In Love With A Partner Who Has Already Experienced Marriage Messages was the Message received 16th November 2003
Falls In Love With A Partner Who Has Already Experienced Marriage Messages
www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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