Le Parole degli Angeli
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You Were Made In The Same Image And Likeness To Our Father Messages To Humanity

You Were Made In The Same Image And Likeness To Our Father Messages To Humanity
My dear brothers and my beloved sisters, I know this wonderful experience that we are living through our messages and the numerous letters which we have received and replied to, is wonderful, so wonderful that sometimes I see some resistance in believing it, however my brothers and beloved sisters, this is exactly what is happening.
This marvellous commitment that is running almost into a full year now and that involves us is the fruit of the immense Love that the Father and all of Us feel in our good hearts for each one of the brothers and the sisters that cohabit temporarily in your and our wonderful planet earth.
If you could imagine the joy that we feel when we see you attend our messages or the replies to your letters; it's a wonderful sensation to see how you light up when on the subject line of the letter you reed 'from the Father', 'from Jesus', 'from the Virgin Mary', there is always a moment when your good hearts stop just for a moment and then you light up like stars and you begin to read our messages and many times when you finished reading them you would like to receive immediately another letter from us so that you can feel us so close to you just like we have always been although always in silence.
Sometimes we see all of the effort of Love that we put into it being welcomed wholeheartedly, some other times re-reading the message allows you to discern every single word of Love dictated for you, some other times there is refusal but just like we have always told you, textually, no word will ever be lost, the time will come when these words that you or We donate to those brothers will come back to their minds and in that moment it will be listened to and will mark the beginning of the change; for this reason my brothers your good hearts are always listening, often it's only in the mind that these words are blocked out but with time these words will certainly be carefully listened to.
My dear and loved brothers, my dear and loved sisters, this truly wonderful and great effort will accompany you forever, just a little research and our words could be made available to all of the beloved brothers in the whole world; today there are only a few of you, even though there are many of you, but you are still few compared to the number of all brothers in the entire world, however our great effort wants to really reach everybody because when our words will be patrimony of the entire Humanity then we will have already built the Paradise on your beloved earth. But it takes time and a lot of effort; we will really put all of our great Love, but you brothers, do play your part and little by little life on earth will be easier, little by little the Brotherhood will replace selfishness, Love over hatred, Peace over violence, true Justice over revenge.
Brothers and sisters the message that I have been dictating today serves the purpose to help you to accept the magnificence of our experience together with you inside your marvellous good hearts. Accept inside your good hearts, that this extraordinary experience is reality and a wonderful reality at that.
I know that what makes it difficult for you to accept our great effort of Love is precisely the lack of teachings on Love from your religions. You were taught to fear the punishment from the Father, you were taught all about Hell and nothing about Paradise, you were taught to be afraid of the consequences of your acts but you were not taught the sense of responsibility toward yourselves and toward all other brothers, you were taught that you are fundamentally bad and violent, we are teaching you to remember that you were made in the same image and likeness to our Father and that Love is the true feeling that you have always carried inside your good hearts.
These and other wrong teachings contribute to making it difficult for you to accept all of the great Love that comes to you from this Home of God our Father, however, with time, even in this case, you will remember the Truths that were always kept safe inside your good hearts and you yourselves will remove, eliminate the many wrong ideas that come with religions and religious education to which you belong, even though you are not believers, with time this will certainly happen.
My brothers and my beloved sisters I say goodbye for today and I kiss you with all of the Love that I have inside for everyone of you, today we have many letters to answer and this commitment together with the commitment from Sara Luce is a great effort of Love specifically to help you grow on the path to Love and Harmony.
I kiss you one more time, till next time my loved brothers and my loved sisters.
This brother of yours Jesus who is always with you, just like the Love of your Father and of the Virgin Mary is always with you.
You Were Made In The Same Image And Likeness To Our Father Messages To Humanity was the Message dictated 21st April 2004
You Were Made In The Same Image And Likeness To Our Father Messages To Humanity
www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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