Le Parole degli Angeli
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Messages to humanity - Our sweet Love

My loved brothers and my loved sisters, here, today, your brother Jesus is ready once again for our new meeting between our hearts.

My brothers it has been a long, long time, however in our renewed contact with all of you, my heart is full of joy as if it was our first contact.

It’s been a long, long time, a long time explaining to you, speaking to you about truth, of the experiences you have on your earth, talking about Paradise, of our reality, and slowly communicating to you the more important truths of our being Spirit.

Every message dictated is written down and available to you, however my loved brothers, the emotion that I am feeling now is the same for every message, it’s joy, great joy in meeting you, joy in my possibility to help you, joy in the possibility to guide you toward the truth, both toward earth and toward our Sky.

It’s been a long time, however every meeting is like renewing the joy that I feel when I look at you, hear you, read your emotions and register your progress.

Joy is an emotion that always accompanies the contact with each one of you because when I contact you I think first of all of the effect that my heart has when it contacts your heart, like stars you light up immediately and with your heart open you listen and then you reflect, but you are shining all the time, like shiny stars.

When I look inside your heart I see the light of your Love light up more and more and very quickly a great glare lights you up while I speak with you.

As brothers, this vision is not accessible to the physical eyes and as brothers you can enjoy this show only by going back to your dimension of Spirit; however you can certainly notice the glare that you now exude if you listen to your heart. Do you feel this pleasant sensation of near calm, of smiling calm when reading slowly every word that I am dictating?

Do you feel that answer of suspension from the material reality of your daily life? It’s because your attention is completely focused on listening to my words.

Do you feel this caress with which I slowly speak to you, enveloping you as if I am embracing your heart?

Do you hear how every word, every manifestation of my Love, is welcomed very happily into your heart? This is the food of Love that I joyfully pour into your heart though words, this is the food for hearts, our manifestations of Love fill with affection and feed the heart of each one of you, which are now all lit up.

These sensations that you now feel correspond to when Love comes to you and these sensations are what all of your brothers feel when your Love comes from you to go and feed their hearts.

These sensations that you are now feeling inside your heart are the same that your loved brothers feel when in contact with the Love that you give.

By lighting up their hearts, giving your Love, rest assured that what I described to you is what happens inside their hearts.

Think about it, every time you give your affection with the aim of reaching with Love the heart of a brother of yours, this is the experience that you give to that heart.

Seeing yourselves as a Soul reaching out to another Soul allows all of you to light up and allows your other countless brothers to welcome and also light up themselves with the same Love of which the heart is full.

You just need to experiment, to experiment  yourselves first of all in donating yourselves to the other person and you just need to experiment to notice the immediate effect that all of this Love  has in the heart of your brothers.

Well aware of it, you meet all your brothers, aware of the experience of Love for yourselves and for the other person, aware of the experience of light, aware of the experience of nourishment of the heart produced from your Love, aware of the change in how you now address other people as your brothers, aware of your addressing other people as Souls, aware of addressing other people as a Spirit that is looking to express your splendid Love in order to help.

Experiment my brothers, and you will all notice how the meetings will be important moments for the creation of a bond between your hearts who will turn toward one another more and more with growing Love.

Experiment my brothers, experiment yourselves as Souls and you will notice how it will be increasingly easier to be your affection on the go.

Experiment, my brothers,

A big hug with all of my Love

Your brother Jesus Christ


Message transmitted 31 May 2006


www.leparoledegliangeli.com ( the words of the Angels ) choose English version


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