Le Parole degli Angeli
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Conscious Love Unconscious Love Approaching To The Heart

Conscious Love Unconscious Love Approaching To The Heart
Today I will begin this message by extending wonderful wishes of happy birthday to our Sara Luce. Once again today my dear brothers Sara is working to help me send my teachings to all of you. Sara Luce's example fills my heart with joy, always ready to help, answering your little letters with love, offering her effort with the many letters that you send to the Sky and to answer your supposed questions with the research of something that may be useful for the growth of the expression of your Love.
There are no thoughts for her brothers other than how to help them and this for us is a symbol of a loving attitude that you too can reach by mobilizing the wonderful affection and great Love that all of you have inside your heart.
Do you think it's easy to do? Of course it's easy to do when you put Love in the first place in your life, just like Sara Luce. This is the reason for my best wishes to Sara, may she continue forever to put her affection and her own Love always in the first place in her life.
However now let's start our teaching for today so it will be possible for us to help you with our effort and her effort once again today in making another step forward in putting your own Love firmly and in the first place in your life.
We have listened to our heart during the last message, so many surprises, almost all of you felt the Love moving inside you much more intensely and I noticed that Sara also picked up on this sweet surprise just like many other brothers. Why is it that when listening to your heart you noticed a quality of Love even bigger than what you had expected?
The explanation is that there is a conscious Love and an unconscious Love. My brothers, very often, in your life, there are occasions where if you observed yourselves right after this moment you would notice consciously your unconscious Love.
For example, when a person cries you go to that person, especially with your body but also with your words, you assume a very loving attitude, you feel very close to the heart of this person, so close that the experience is precisely that of feeling united right at that moment, heart to heart, remember that your body in that occasion is necessary to move closer to that person physically, to hug, to caress, to dry the tears, but you notice that in that moment the body was a tool to get you closer to that person's heart, everything was focused on helping that heart.
Your approaching this person, your heart getting closer to the heart of that person, went on uninterrupted, remember the movements of your body, the rocking of the body back and forth, movements that reflected the getting closer, the pain felt, then another approach, then renewed pain and a lot of coming closer, to the point where that heart by accepting your presence was no longer transmitting infinite pain but acceptance of your Love, attention to your Love's purpose and the rocking would stop and the heart in contact with that heart felt your sweet understanding through the contact.
By observing all of this my brothers, you realize the infinite Love that you carry inside your heart, every gesture becomes the expression of all of your support, Love and thinking back to it after a little time, you notice the greatest gift you have ever received when you were created: Love, immense Love.
Now you look at yourselves with the eyes of awareness and with these eyes, looking at your experience, you knowingly look at your great Love in action. With the eyes of Love, of understanding, you look at your entire infinite Love in action and you become conscious of your unconscious Love.
Us Souls, here in the Sky, we are always aware of our Love, we are always always always active is our conscious Love, our eyes when they observe other Souls consciously, they consciously see the Love of each one of the brothers mobilize, your eyes of the unconscious Love do not allow to pick up all of the movements of the heart unless you stop to observe yourselves and to make your own great unconscious Love finally conscious to yourselves.
This sweet lesson concludes with an invitation, observe, listening to your heart, just how big is your Love; observe with the eyes of the awareness of your Love, yourselves in past situations where your Love manifested itself; observe with the eyes of the conscious Love these brothers while they express, unconsciously manifest their Love both in the actions of their bodies but also in each of their expression; even through these experiences you will manage to put Love firmly and in the first place in your life, because when one observes just how big the affection and the Love are that reside in us, my dear and loved brothers, my dear and loved sisters, it's impossible not to put your own Love in movement at all times of your lives.
My brothers today I say goodbye once again with my heart right next to you linked to your own beautiful heart, you feel the closeness of my heart to yours and you accept all of my immense Love for all of you.
Your brother Jesus
Message transmitted from the Sky 15th June 2005
Title Conscious Love Unconscious Love Approaching To The Heart
Choose English version in www.leparoledegliangeli.com (the words of the Angels)

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