Le Parole degli Angeli
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Reflection In The Heart Reflection Prerequisite For Change

Reflection In The Heart Reflection Prerequisite For Change
My sweet and loved brothers and my loved and sweet sisters, today let's continue on last week's topic.
Reflection is necessary to bring change in you; reflection is the most important prerequisite for change.
My brothers, reflection, for me, reflection inside the heart, means understanding and explaining things to yourself starting right from Love and moving in the direction of Love.
My brothers, to understand means to grasp those feelings that are in the heart of your brothers, feelings that sometimes are very different from yours, but it is possible for those feelings to be in their hearts.
Comprehension leads to acceptance that either you or the other person will experiment that specific emotion within the variety of possible emotions.
Acceptance then opens us up to the possibility of greater understanding and, my brothers, greater understanding paves the road to helping others and ourselves to intervene in the best possible way to bring change to that state of mind, that emotion.
I call all of the above reflection.
Let's continue with our existence, thanks particularly to reflection, by affirming our Love more and more, let's face our existence between brothers with an added awareness, because it was born from the observation of the movement of an emotion inside the heart that, together with reflection, has transcended and brought us to express ever more successfully our Being Love.
This is why reflection is a very important moment for growth.
Understanding and accepting starting right from Love is the necessary path to gain increasing awareness within Love.
I am sorry, my brothers, you are always so busy and with only very little time to dedicate to your own hearts for the understanding of your feelings and those of your brothers at heart, however do allow me to give you some advice, you don't need major amounts of time for reflection to accomplish this path of reflection and acquisition of awareness, it is however necessary to always be present to yourselves; at all times, your heart allows you to listen to all that moves within it, feelings, emotions, very often you question yourselves right away when faced with a certain feeling that you perceived, which is far away from or, on the contrary, in harmony with your own feeling.
Being present to yourselves may allow you to begin right away this process that brings to greater awareness of your heart.
Being present to yourselves is necessary to increase your own awareness.
Being present to yourselves, my dear and loved brothers and sisters, means first of all being aware that life is nothing but the sum of every moment of experimentation of your own Love both in respect to your brothers and also in respect of your own heart.
Every moment of your life is experimentation, in every moment there is a message to experiment and all of these moments make up, my brothers, the process of growth, of awareness that was experimented during your own existence.
Starting from this principle, which means that every moment is life, experimentation, an opportunity for growth and increase of awareness, do go ahead and confide in your hearts while you are living and, if necessary, search in your hearts for additional space during certain moments, however my brothers, remember that every moment of your life is experimentation, experimentation of your Being Love and experimentation of your brothers' Being Love.
We are all constantly busy experimenting, experimenting our Being Love, on earth just like in the Sky, every moment is a good time to experiment our Being Love and this experimentation is as necessary as our growth, because we all collectively make up the collective conscious and we aspire, my brothers, to recognize the same Love of the Father in our hearts.
This is why growth is a fundamental need, it's a great motivation that always pushes us to enter, to leave and then enter again in contact with other brothers, it's a need for knowledge, and this need increases, my brothers, when the expression has increased our awareness, an expression of our Being Love; it's this increased awareness that pushes us, my brothers, to come into closer contact with other brothers, it's this increased awareness that pushes us to be ever more aware, ever more alert of the emotions of our hearts, more careful with our experimentation of our Being Love. This is the most important need for all of us brothers, being gradually but steadily more aware of our Being Love.
I will conclude today's message with these words, I hug you with all of this great Love that I have for all of you my brothers, and I shall sing a song of Love that may guide you in your continued search for awareness.
With all of my heart
Your brother Jesus
Message transmitted 27th November 2005
Title   Reflection In The Heart Reflection Prerequisite For Change
Choose English version in www.leparoledegliangeli.com (the words of the Angels)

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