Le Parole degli Angeli
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Prayer The Implications Of The Spontaneous Prayer From Heart

Prayer The Implications Of The Spontaneous Prayer From Heart
My sweet and loved brothers and my sweet and loved sisters, in this message I shall continue to talk about the implications of Love toward your brothers.
In my last message I told you that every time you light up the Love in your heart, a prayer is spontaneously raised to the Father who is listening, He listens to everybody, and reacts to your affectionate request, surrounding you with light of Love that, while it reaches inside your heart, bringing hope and feeding your Love, it also allows you to invest even more of your affection into the project of Love that you are about to begin.
The moment your prayer is raised toward the Father, the light that you emanate, the light of Love, reflects all over your body and reaches the body of all of those brothers around you, also lighting up their hearts with Love. These brothers, although unaware of what is happening inside their hearts, react, however, to this contact with the light of your Love and right at the time of this contact they too get charged up with hope and light of Love.
Thus surrounded by the light of your affection, they also unconsciously raise a prayer to the Father who is listening, because He listens to everybody, and who then pours Love on to these brothers too.
This specific Love, brothers, is carrying with it more Love and is carrying awareness that the Father is always present for each one of His children.
You are aware of the constant presence, all of His children will be aware of the constant presence of the Father.
You are aware when you listen to your heart and you feel the affection growing inside of you, your brothers will soon be aware, if they will listen inside their hearts to all of the Love that our Father constantly sends them from the Sky.
Brothers, this is another implication of the Love that is mobilized in the heart and it's through this spontaneous prayer that we can then witness the help from the Love of the Father to your brothers.
Another implication arises when you focus your attention, your affection, your Love toward another brother. The prayer that is generated spontaneously from your heart reaches the Father, asking for help for those brothers of yours.
In this situation the Love of the Father welcomes your Love upon Himself, takes your loving thoughts for all of those brothers and transforms them into a specific light of Love to help these brothers exactly where it's needed. This transformation takes place with the Father, He is the one who transforms the great energy of Love into specific energy to cure, sustain and help his sweet creature.
Brothers, do you understand that this transformation is possible because He accepts, absorbs your Love upon Himself and turns His own same great Love into specific waves and sends them to that creature.
This transformation takes place in the Father because the Father accepts and changes the Love that you mobilize, my brothers.
One last implication of the mobilization inside of your heart of your Love and of the spontaneous prayer that all of you elevate to the Father is that of making the general level of Love at that time on earth actually possible; just for a few moments, my brothers, your individual prayer has this wonderful effect upon earth; you are the makers of the increased level of Love on your planet, makers of the increase of Love by activating in an instant, in the recognition of your Being Love, mobilizing your Love inside your heart, you instantly raise the level of Love of the entire beautiful planet earth.
Aware of the sweet importance of every single moment from which you express your Love from your heart, imagine what it must mean to be consciously praying.
Think of the outcome for everybody of your sending Love in respect to a spontaneous prayer, think of the result of sending Love to your most suffering brothers, think of the result on the global level of Love of the planet, starting from your heart through a conscious prayer.
My brothers, light up consciously the light inside your heart, aware of the results that every single prayer from you will bring, raising the level of Love and awareness in your efforts for other brothers and experimenting with the outcome in your heart, you will notice that the level of Love in your heart will shine with renewed light, you will see that your sweet, delightfully sweet heart will be renewed and will feel whole and ready again to give even more affection and Love to other brothers and to yourselves and you will feel ever more awareness and meaning every time you will mobilize your Love for yourselves and for others.
Now I will leave you to absorb these new teachings. On this subject, allow me to give a big kiss to my friend Attilio, in our next meeting I will answer to your question with a message.
My brothers, just like Attilio is asking me a question that he believes are for the greater interest, you too may feel free to ask me any question that you feel may be important as to dedicate a message for all of you, my much loved brothers and sisters.
A big kiss now for all of you brothers, a big kiss for every brother and a big kiss for every sister.
Today I taught you the implications of your great affection and Love and now, my brothers, join your prayers to mine and let's send them to our Father so that He may help us and support us always with His great, immense affection, let's all pray together, let's recite the Lord's Prayer.
Your brother Jesus Christ
Message transmitted from the Sky 7th December 2005
Title   Prayer The Implications Of The Spontaneous Prayer From Heart
Choose English version in www.leparoledegliangeli.com (the words of the Angels)

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