Le Parole degli Angeli
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Descents on Earth Experiment Yourselves Love

Descents on Earth Experiment Yourselves Love You Maturated Inside the Fulfilled Dream Message
Descents on Earth Experiment Yourselves Love : my sweet and loved children, today once again I make contact with your hearts with the intention to cover you with Love, I feel so, so much Love for each one of you, in front of my eyes are always my children and I want to give you a lot of help, because inside my heart I have something like a great world made up of all my children, of hearts that need a contact with me, that need help, that need my Love; my eyes tear up when the experience of a contact between us lights up your heart, a contact in the experience of your Father next to you, there are moments where hearing me is easier, this is because inside your heart you mobilize the Love in the desire for a contact with me, and I always answer in the Love, always always always; there are moments where you doubt my help to you, and even though I am always present in the heart, it’s difficult to notice the emotion of being between my arms.
I know, I am telling the same words as I always do, but, my loved children, I will never never tire of repeating to you that I am here for everyone, and that only through Love you will experience me, Love can only manifest itself in the flow of Love from your heart.
Communicating the presence to a heart that has inside horror, sadness with the impossibility to listen, an emotion of being only a number between all brothers, even to me, powerlessness in life because it is lived as a punishment from a Father to his child, well, how can this Father make his presence felt?, and helping his child?, and helping him make contact, a presence that through the contact changes your idea of life through the contact?.
This is the reality, you cry, you despair, you ask for help, but your doors are closed to me.
And so?, here is this message, in which I repeat to you with all my heart that you are not a number, you are one of my children, you are not condemned, I truly want what is best for each one of my children; am I far away, far away from a suffering child?, how could I possibly be far away? and powerless, how can a child of mine in my arms know powerlessness?.
I would like to donate a lot of happiness to each one of my children, but it’s only in the contact with us, in our hearts united together, that my Love and a lot of help can be poured upon you.
On the other hand, my children feel my abundant presence in their hearts and they suffer because in the hearts next to them they do not feel shining the same Love that I always send you; I know my presence is a sweet stimulus to put on the table, just like me, all of your Love.
Is the situation on earth therefore always signed by suffering?.
My loved ones, your project, the meaning of all of your descents on earth, if it changes in the detail, it’s an experience to be able to use the Love you matured inside your hearts, in front of your eyes in every situations that your existence can place in front of you; this is your commitment with yourselves, to manifest the Love you matured inside; this is what each one of you truly wants to experiment, yourselves, all the Love you matured inside you and this is the reason why you abandon the Sky and you insist on asking me for the possibility to live on earth; this famous insistence is part of my daily life, and through your brothers I return the immense joy of being able to say yes but then you forget all this, I guarantee you freedom, but now I am talking to you and if you listen to your Father you know that your desire is precisely that of being in this moment and all of you are experimenting yourselves in this fulfilled dream.
However, my sweet children, don’t’ forget that the big mission you chose is to always be in contact with your heart to put in front of your own eyes how much Love you have matured inside yourselves.
You are splendid creatures, my children, a little less aware of the beauty that you carry inside you; this is the necessity that now pushes you to ask for help; help to succeed in being yourselves, aware of your Love, aware forever of the great treasure that you are.
We will conclude with one last thought, being yourselves in the expression of yourselves also means that you are an example of an extremely important message, life is nothing but a moment of your existence in which you experiment who you are in complete freedom, at all moments you show to yourselves and to your brothers what you are, in every circumstance you can show what you are and what you are has your heart in the center of it.
Dry up your tears and show proudly what you are.
Embraced to me with the help of the hope to always express yourselves more freely in the beauty in which I created you, beauty that has only one voice in the heart: Love.
And again embraced to you, my beautiful children, I am proud of the experience that you are courageously carrying forward, a pride of a Father when he sees one of his own children discover themselves in their beauty, pride of a Father then he gives hope and He is welcomed by a child, pride of a Father who, when He helps, also contributes to your realization.
For each one of my children
Your Father
Message transmitted 10th October 2007
Descents on Earth Experiment Yourselves Love You Maturated Inside the Fulfilled Dream Message
Descents on Earth Experiment Yourselves Love
www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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