Le Parole degli Angeli
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Spectators and protagonists of moments Love

Spectators and protagonists of moments of Love to be subjects of Love
Spectators and protagonists of moments Love : my dear and loved brothers and my dear and loved sisters, today I would like to talk to you with all my heart about the great need you all feel to be witnesses of Love in your own world; there is so much importance, to your hearts, in those moments where your eyes see a manifestation of Love, these brothers are helping, and your eyes fill with joy, seeing the light sent between two brothers, while inside you there is an experience of realization of happiness; your eyes watch, they feel emotions inside the heart, with your eyes you are looking at both those who are donating and those who are receiving and in your hearts the light of Love sent during this exchange is wonderful for you to experience, the brother who is donating, the brother who is receiving, they are exchanging Love, just in the same way as it’s Love for you to witness this experience of Love.
You all notice that happiness is to witness those moments of Love, moments of exchange where Love is really alive, moments that inside the heart produce an emotion; if you reflect on it, there are so many possibilities among brothers to exchange Love; there are so many possibilities to not only be witnesses but also protagonist of exchanges of Love, for other sweet eyes to witness; there are so many possibilities to see the manifestations of Love multiply from people to people; this is the opportunity you pick up in life when you witness Love with your eyes, with your heart.
And often, while you reflect, here comes an opportunity to be of help, while you were reflecting Love asked for the opportunity from you; why this coincidence?, because the experience of being of help would allow you to feel, through your action, an experience of Love inside you.
What do I feel when I am helping?, this is the experience that sweetly speaks to you from inside the heart of the love that now is inside you, when the experience ends, in the heart comes a new reflection, “did I express Love through the way I acted?”
Is Love often expressed in the things you do?, this is the important thing, a gesture of Love to communicate this concept to your brother, Love that was activated inside you finds its own way of expressing itself; the expression of Love is not so much in a gesture, but rather in what accompanies that gesture, to make your heart clear, your feeling, the modality of the gesture will be the expression of what you are feeling. In your heart everything comes automatically, you are what you are expressing, the Love in you expresses itself to allow others the experience of you, of your being a heart, of your being Love.
And there is such happiness as you notice that in your own gesture, in those hands, in that look, in the way the body moves, in the timber of your words, in what you expresses all of your Love, there is happiness and satisfaction at having lived this moment and now think of the eyes that participated to this moment as spectators, in front of their eyes there is Love being exchanged and this lights up possibility in their hearts to live another moment to experiment themselves in the exchange of Love.
And this is how the number of spectators and protagonists of moments of Love multiplies, this is constant possibility that life offers you, spectators and artists in the exchange of Love, this is real, constant possibility that life offers you; constant possibility to be subjects of Love.
The Love inside you is the only source of happiness, if you ever feel among the many emotions something that instantly produces Love when activated, it’s always a feeling of happiness, always, this happiness activates Love in the feeling.
You are first of all a heart, first of all Love, and this is where your road to happiness is.
Just like we feel in our hearts a great happiness whenever we are with you, we feel an emotion of happiness when the words are activated and come from the heart, they are welcomed by your hearts like our manifestation of Love, happiness for you, contentment for you when it’s your heart that speaks through that gesture, your Love is welcomed and it will place inside that heart an experience of help, and inside the other heart it will place an experience of possibility to be Love.
Let’s reflect one more time, so if my Love is what represents me, who am I in life?, I am a manifestation of Love.
With all our great Love, brothers
Your brother Jesus Christ
Message dictated 3rd March 2008
Spectators and protagonists of moments of Love to be subjects of Love
Spectators and protagonists of moments Love
www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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