Le Parole degli Angeli
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Renewal Opportunity For Growth For Itself

Renewal Opportunity For Growth For Itself Messages To Humanity
Renewal Opportunity For Growth For Itself : my loved brothers and my loved sisters, this is a journey for you, your road is marked by many moments of difficulty, financial difficulty, health difficulty, moments where your project seems to stagnate, and moments where your brothers bring you relationship problems and while you face these difficulties, you often get the impression that the Sky is distant from you, and that your problems belong to the materialism of earth and can bro resolved only through help within the same materialism, so this is what you ask from the Sky, materialism, requests for interventions within the materialism and often our help is an opportunity for help within your materialism but often our message is about your heart; in moments of difficulty this change of situation can bring about renewal.
You think that on earth only the absence of problems, of serious problems, of important problems will allow you to be yourselves with other people, you believe that the problems produce something: distancing from yourselves. And this is where we intervene. If it’s true that on earth the problems that grip you bring you to isolation, our intervention looks to re-balance your perception; being with you, next to you, being united is the meaning, your heart with us, your perception meets hope during this journey. The heart finds hope to be united to transform an important moment into an opportunity for growth for itself.
You learned so much in the past, through all these moments you have gone through, you learned about yourselves, about your courage, difficult situations you overcame, all of your achievements, you learned to believe in yourselves, believe in the feeling, in the authentic value of yourselves. You are learning all this through each and every moment of difficulty, in every difficulty you are learning about yourselves. This is the reason why in moments of difficulty the Sky is always present next to you, accompanying you and helping you toward this understanding.
Often brothers think that their own difficulties have been sent to them for one purpose, a kind of awareness of what is necessary for growth, and even in the concept of karma there is evolution, and even if often you think of “punishment” as a cause of some events, your own story highlights events in their own meaning of “growth”. You are learning, growth is your commitment. Growth is confronting with yourselves, confronting with the meaning of yourselves. Growth is incorporating what you have become. Growth is confronting with the heart on what you are, growth is always discovery in your heart of what we are.
A difficult moment is an important moment; if on the surface you feel insecurity at the time you face your own difficulties, it’s because you are not yet able to make full and complete contact with your value.
Your Being is the result of your knowledge in all the moments of difficulty and it’s important to help you make contact with all of your resources so that your Being may truly be defined. Our help lays in this, helping you grow to express as much as possible your true Being.
Understanding that difficulties bring within themselves an additional opportunity for growth and for understanding that next to you there is the Sky, it’s also like facing big opportunities as an occasion to be truly yourselves. Let’s face this occasion together for additional growth.
My love forever
Your brother Jesus Christ
Message dictated 13th October 2008
Renewal Opportunity For Growth For Itself Messages To Humanity
Renewal Opportunity For Growth For Itself
www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels

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