Le Parole degli Angeli
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The Responsibility Is The First Commandment

The Responsibility Is The First Commandment For Every Individuality


The Responsibility Is The First Commandment : my beloved brothers and my beloved sisters, here I am for you, to speak to you once again about the Love that you carry inside you, a particle of Love in the creation is what you are, in your individuality; every part of Love is an expression of the creation, and it lives and participates with itself to the life of All; this is the reality of the living All: an expression through yourselves of the particle of Love that you represent.


Every particle of Love participates and affects this reality, it participates and every particle of Love changes, it participates and every particle of Love expands, and this is your immense heart every instant of the experience of Love that you are living.


This is your true status of the entire universe, a particle of Love. This is the unchangeable condition of your Being, to be a particle of Love in the All.


This discussion brings you to see yourselves the way you never really looked at yourselves before: “Me, a particle of Love, me, a particle of Love of the Universe”.


Now you have this image in front of your eyes, and this reality, the life you are living, amplifies and draws the meaning that is much deeper than to just be life.


Every particle participates to the life of All, and everything begins from the heart, which represents a particle of Love.


This is the Love from the heart, the moment when there is a movement of Love inside the heart there is life in the particle, and this movement in the All is amplified, the All is affected by what is born from the particle, therefore each one of you affects at all times the All.


The All does not exist without you, you are a determining factor with every moment you create the existing reality through the movement of Love inside your heart.


What I am explaining to you is the existing reality of every part of the creation that forms part of the All, a reality of the All actively shaped by every single particle.


How many times have you sked yourselves the breadth of what you do? The mind simplifies, reduces, limits within the confines of time and space, reduces the meaning, reduces to the actual moment, simplifies in its size and implications; what the mind does is reduce to the individual level every action that is taken, but now that we have discussed the existing reality that I communicated, you can understand how every single action, a movement originated from the heart, actively participates to the building of the All in that precise moment.


For this reason the responsibility is the first commandment for every particle of Love of the creation. The All hinges on this responsibility.


My message terminates here today my loved brothers and my loved sisters, responsibility, I leave you to reflect.


With all my heart, in the light of my Love, I cover you with peace.


Your brothers Jesus Christ


The Responsibility Is The First Commandment For Every Individuality was the Message dictated 12th November 2009


The Responsibility Is The First Commandment For Every Individuality


The Responsibility Is The First Commandment


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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