Le Parole degli Angeli
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How can we contribute to the growth

How Can We Contribute In The Freedom To The Growth Of The Awareness


How can we contribute to the growth : my beloved brothers and my beloved sisters, here is the light that turns on inside your hearts, brothers you are hearing your brother Jesus who right now is speaking to you, always to help you, to give your heart more and more of a say in the world; I am feeling tenderness and joy for you, tenderness and joy, this is my feeling for you right now, tenderness that surrounds all of you and joy in meeting with all of you; my embrace sends you my tenderness, for you who are going through your existence, and you will see in your eyes more and more clearly that this journey is the journey of the Soul, a journey of yourselves inside your heart, a journey of affirmation of your heart, of the Love contained in it.


Your past has been in the unawareness of this process, your own heart experimented, there is no doubt, and where did your heart take you? to the rediscovery; to your eyes today it all seems clear, Love, you are on earth to experiment yourselves as Love, but brothers, what right now is light and discovery was once hidden from your eyes.


This movement of the heart brought experience over time, in the sweet listening to yourselves while you were loving, while you were busy tending to other’s needs, while your heart was constantly beating for the affections that you had met, you were also making contact with the Love you experienced inside you. This experience that today brought you to the passage from unawareness to awareness.


Over time this movement of the heart has brought with it experience, in the sweet act of listening to yourselves while you were giving love, while you were tending to the needs of others, while your heart was always beating for your affections you had met, you were making contact with the Love you felt inside you. And this has been the experience that today brought you to the passage from unawareness to awareness.


Today many brothers look at you and still await to feel the discovery. The light in front of their eyes is you, they watch you as you love, they collect your sensations and meditate over what you communicate. And your every action puts in front of the joy a heart that loves and this is the light for their progress. You are for others an example of how life is an example of existence within Love, your drive, the passion you communicate, the sensations you feel, they are examples of what the heart can experiment, the meaning of the entire life. Guiding by simply loving. Helping by simply loving. Helping reawaken by simply loving. You are creating this reality by simply loving. Making people discover life by simply loving.


Inside those hearts there is happiness, recovery, and everyone is motivated to live their lives in the Love. A heart that simply loves can achieve so much success.



Often you ask yourselves about your being of help, how can I help in freedom? How can I be useful in freedom to the reawakening of my brothers? In freedom, how can I encourage the passage to the vision of this unity in which we live like Souls of earth and Sky? How can we contribute in the freedom to the growth of the awareness? And while you ask yourselves as you give love, you create this reality. And while you ask yourselves, by loving you create this reality.


See, your image in front of my eyes, and this moves infinite tenderness in me, and infinite Love, and with this emotion I embrace you, the expression of your heart is creating, you are creating by means of your loving, you participate to the growth of all with your love, this is the reality from your heart that you are building.


And I am with you, my heart is with you


Your brother Jesus Christ


How can we contribute in the freedom to the growth of the awareness was the Message dictated 7th December 2009


How can we contribute in the freedom to the growth of the awareness


How can we contribute to the growth


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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