Le Parole degli Angeli
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Christmas A Day Of Love Songs Of Love

Christmas A Day Of Love Songs Of Love From The Heart


Christmas A Day Of Love Songs Of Love : my sweet and loved brothers and my sweet and loved sisters, it has arrived, Christmas has arrived, the gifts have been bought, dates and arrangements with people for those days have been made, the holidays are here, you choose the menu, you choose the table decoration, people will all sit together and the day will be spent all together; all these thoughts crowd the mind, it’s Christmas, it’s holiday time, however, take a moment and listen to my wish for you.


Make this day a day of Love, in the things you do think with Love to those brothers who will celebrate with you, prepare with Love and always with the thought to those brothers who share a bond with you, go and visit them and bring your well wishes from the heart, welcome it like a special occasion for your heart, and if you have children, make it a “Sweet Christmas” with a kiss, and you, prepare yourselves carefully, this beautiful opportunity for your heart to express yourselves to others as Love, and when you will be all together look at people as bonds of your heart, and it will turn out to be a fantastic day for all of you.


Sometimes it may be useful to remind you that the room in which you will all meet is like your heart that welcomes, that wonders about the needs of others, that understands, that uses the word to give encouragement and spreads smiles in all that it does. Thus you bring your heart to Christmas, this heart that shines with Love.


Merry Christmas my brothers, Merry Christmas my sisters.


Now I will let my Mother speak, for her Christmas Wishes.


My sweet children, so much happiness, the light that shines, your Love, it’s truly a great joy to be able to touch with your hand these wonderful hearts that shine the light of their Love. Children, you are wonderful. I squeeze you really tight to my heart, my Love of Mother is all for you, my heart of a Mother is all for you, all this Love that I feel is for you, my existence is all for you.


May this day be lived in joy, surrounded by my Love.


And now the Father for you


My sweet and loved children, sweetly bring your Love to others, spend your Christmas singing songs of Love from the heart, make this day an example of the heart and of the shining light that is inside you; my children, give your love to every person that your eyes will see and always manifest yourselves to others with Love, with Love celebrate Christmas, for Love my son was born, for Love he stayed among you and taught you about Love, and today you manifest the light that I have given you.


My sweet treasures, my wish for this year is that all yours hearts will shine with Christmas.


Together we embrace you, many wishes of a Merry Christmas to all of you.


Christmas A Day Of Love Songs Of Love From The Heart was the Message dictated on 21.12.2009


Christmas A Day Of Love Songs Of Love From The Heart


Christmas A Day Of Love Songs Of Love


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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