Le Parole degli Angeli
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The Voice Of The Heart Presence Of Love

The Voice Of The Heart Presence Of Love United In The Love


The Voice Of The Heart Presence Of Love : my beloved brothers and my beloved sisters, you listen in your heart to my words because through words I can tell your hearts how immense is my Love for each one of you brothers and sisters; only words can reach the hearts and leave tenderness in them, and I feel the need of your hearts for this special contact with my Love; this distance that the hearts can sense can be instantly deleted as you hear me speak to your hearts and sending all of you, in tenderness, my great Love that pushes me to all of you.


Every heart is listening, the moment my words are being read the hearts receive the emotion that I want to transmit, I love you, and I exist for you, in the past, in the present, forever I will be for you brothers and sisters.


The passing of life is what all of you are waiting for, our hearts merging and beating together again, but even now my brothers and sisters, our hearts are already merged, you can feel me, you can feel me inside you, me a presence of Love. Your eyes reflect the Love you feel, so much emotion in your eyes, the hearts that are feeling this are reflecting; my brothers, this tenderness I feel are your eyes for me.


May your heart feel me but also feel the look that you are sending me, so much light, so much need of this emotion, feeling so loved in the heart in a moment when on earth you meet with so many difficulties in perceiving emotions. However a heart in contact with life needs to be able to feel itself merging in the Love of the other, every gesture of Love, every expression of Love determines the merging in the emotion, you feel united in the Love and the emotion of unity that you feel, that of beating together, of melting and being just one heart; this is the need of every heart on earth that meets all its brothers and all its sisters.


This is what the world needs so much, this fusion, this being brothers, feeling like brothers, melting yourselves among brothers, communicating in Love, the sharing of Love.


Today my heart is giving you this experience and as I look in your eyes I feel a question coming up “If, as you said, this fusion is such a need for humanity, then why is it so difficult to perceive emotion from my brothers and sisters?”


I will answer the question: I feel your heart and I feel your need; how many times do you wait for others to give out first, to open themselves up, to place emotions in your eyes?  This waiting, this waiting of the sad humanity; if you play from your heart then you call  yourselves “like a little kid”; if you express a need then you call yourselves “spineless”, it’s a constant devaluation of the thought of living an emotion, of life from the heart, of giving you freedom to live in the joy of the moment; you attack your own hearts all the time, because your mind, your brains are what is valued for you from other people, and your value is linked to the capacity of your brain, and the negation of emotion produces sadness, the answer to your question is this, my beloved one: a humanity without a heart is a humanity that lives in sadness.


Playing fills you with doubt? Play some more and rediscover the laughter and sharing smiles, you are strong when you laugh your heart out, even if you are laughing about something very small.


Do you worry that your brothers may judge as being of less value if you express a need, or a necessity? You are not heroes and this life is full of difficulties and we all know the meaning of difficulties, do give expression to your needs and you will see your brothers welcome you and value you.


That emotion that beats inside your hearts, this constant devaluation that fills your heart with constant negation of your selves, intelligent hearts are also creative hearts, and what is creativity if not passion, giving voice to the emotion, playing with your mind starting from your emotions.


And then the heart, where Love beats, just like there is this need inside you, so you will see the joy in the eyes of other people you love, expressing an answer of happiness will be with you, a meeting in the Love, a fusion in the Love.


While I embrace you I am seeing a happy humanity, and I melt in our Love with our brothers and sisters.


Your brother Jesus Christ


The Voice Of The Heart Presence Of Love United In The Love was the Message dictated 14th January 2010


The Voice Of The Heart Presence Of Love United In The Love


The Voice Of The Heart Presence Of Love


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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