Le Parole degli Angeli
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Words Of The Virgin Mother Mary

Words Of The Virgin Mother Mary My Experience On Earth


Words Of The Virgin Mother Mary : my sweet sons and my sweet daughters, your Mother is speaking with all of you today, even my Love, which is listening to me today, is giving me the possibility to communicate with your hearts; the Love for your hearts from this Sky is so great that the act of listening to you and every intervention that we bring among you on earth is only for Love.


My loved ones, in your eyes I do not see serenity, even as you pray to the Sky asking for an intervention. You evaluate the situation, your needs and you ask if it is possible to help you, you remember our humanity and the memory of the same emotions that we too have known in the passage on earth and linked to the memory of our emotions you ask for understanding of the emotions felt by all of you.


The memory of that time has never gone, what changed for us in the passage to the Sky is our vision of the experience on earth.


I remember that I too used to despair, I remember the persistent difficulties of living on earth, I even remember the people who withdrew their hands instead of helping, and even our memories of death and suffering, in other people and in loved ones.


I remember that passage with all of its tension, brothers who would look elsewhere, I cried so much, however, my loved ones, my Son taught us to believe in the Father, and a child that taught his mother to believe in the Love of the Father for each one of us, even when turning to my Father with all of my heart, has been a valuable teaching for me, and this Love has always given me consolation, even in that time after the sweet passage of my creature. You see, my heart remembers everything and my understanding and all of my Love are always upon you.


My memory of my humanity united in the moment of awareness has taken on a bigger meaning than the one that my heart had perceived on earth; every moment during my life on earth seemed like an eternity, during every tiniest instant my heart would react to events; emotion, it was all emotion, this passage on earth and everything I would experience would fill my heart with experience and everything that I felt created my journey of growth.


I have always felt the emotion that carried me towards my brothers, but what I did not understand then was that the emotion was an experience for my heart. Therefore I was experimenting with my heart; even in moments of pain, of tension, desperation, I was experimenting my heart, my emotions. Emotion, I was experimenting my being an emotion.


This represented knowledge of myself in my growth, and if today I have much more maturity in my feelings, I owe it to every moment that was my journey on earth.


Today I am that precise feeling in every situation, I listen to myself in the heart and by activating my Love I come to you, just like I understand every circumstance and I place Love as a guide, and every effort of Love is surrounded by stars.


My sweet children, my answer is always this: Love for each one of you, Love that places itself next to you and helps you in the experimentation so that it may be growth inside all of your hearts, to conquer maturity, even pain is an important moment to experiment yourselves, without pain the heart would not be able to understand, it would not be able to choose to be Love even in pain, it could not feel itself as life even in pain, Love could not affirm itself without pain, and this is the meaning that I discovered in my passage on earth: this maturity needs every experience that earth can offer.


I leave my experience and what I discovered so that it may be a guide for all your hearts.


I love you my dear ones, and every moment my Love is with you.


The Virgin Mother Mary


Words Of The Virgin Mother Mary My Experience On Earth was the Message dictated 28th January 2010


Words Of The Virgin Mother Mary My Experience On Earth


Words Of The Virgin Mother Mary


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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