Le Parole degli Angeli
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Experiences Of Unity With The Heart

Experiences Of Unity With The Heart Of Your Brothers And With The Sky


Experiences Of Unity With The Heart : my dear and beloved brothers, my dear and beloved sisters, I am with you and I am singing with all my heart our meeting, if you knew the joy that  I feel inside, it’s like a universe that shines for you inside my heart, and my song shines with light; as always I embrace with you, I speak to you of the infinite, which also contains earth, it’s all a process of evolution, everything is involved in the unity.


If you think of unity as a concept that encompasses everything, it is something that you are able to master, but thinking of unity of all of us is often difficult.


Respect for your individuality is the predominant separation concept: many hearts exist simultaneously but your heart and the heart of your brothers are always separate; there is always a border between your heart and the other’s heart, you think of individuality as the individual heart that interacts, but always within the separation.


Over the course of exchange among your hearts there are many elements that merge and remain inside the hearts of both, in your individuality you often absorb the other heart as the contact between you takes place, like stars that unite and keep changing, this is what your heart is like; it’s your individuality again, your perception of individuality, but a heart also contains the heart of the other person inside it.


All this to explain to you that the heart becomes unity through constant contact, your heart contains the unity that keeps on making contact. And, as a container, it does react inside. You are still you, but other people’s hearts inside you are what truly react.


This unity in your emotions expresses itself inside.


Let’s continue the topic by taking a look at us, at our reality as a Sky; by us participating to the universe also, there is a contact with the very same unit of Sky, as a heart of your brothers we are absorbed by your own heart, and your unity includes us too. The universe enters you, in the contact, in the exchanged, and your unity is our unity.


Your heart which meets the hearts of us all in the experience of contact allows this experience of unity.


When I speak to you, I present to you the experience of my heart, what I feel, my emotions, the pleasure to be with you in the humanity, the need to help make you aware of the reality that you are living, every message brings my heart to you, so that my heart may be absorbed by you in the unity, to guide you from the inside to your unity.


As soon as my heart has finally become part of your unity, my voice exists in your world of voices,


And while you are listening to me, the heart will tell you if I am inside you. Is my voice strong inside you? This is the voice of your brother, do you wish to listen to it? That voice in the heart that thinks of you is deep down, and it never misses an opportunity to love you, it’s the light inside the heart that tells you “come on”, it’s the light inside the heart that tells you “take care of your brothers”, it’s that light in the heart that tells you “you are light of Love, be a light of the universe of Love” and if you do that, we illuminate these hearts with you in the experience of our sweet unity.


I remain embraced in the heart to you my brothers, my sisters,


In the peace, your brother Jesus Christ


Experiences Of Unity With The Heart Of Your Brothers And With The Sky was the Message dictated 15th March 2010


Experiences Of Unity With The Heart Of Your Brothers And With The Sky


Experiences Of Unity With The Heart


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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