Le Parole degli Angeli
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The Knowledge Of Our Heart Teachings

The Knowledge Of Our Heart Teachings


The Knowledge Of Our Heart : my beloved brothers, my beloved sisters, my heart is with you, the explosion of Love for all of you, for all my brothers who are seeking me out and are leading their lives between work and commitments, seeking the life in everything they are doing; this Love that shines like a star and that you are carrying inside is life; only when you love you can feel the life in you, life is in the emotion, you are only emotions, and the life in you consists of emotions felt.


Only by loving you will feel joy, only when you love does the heart make contact and sends you the joy of being yourselves  in your emotion, only when you love you have the impression that life is an expression of the heart; the great meaning of life is inside you.


Now let’s listen to our hearts. If Life takes on meaning from what is inside you, listening to my heart will show me the meaning.


A person meets with someone, it could be anyone. I listen through my heart. I am next to her, my senses can see her, there is no contact with the heart, the moves, the physical body, but what she is thinking is not known to me, I can not feel her heart and I have no idea what she is feeling. A moment has passed, and if I listen to my heart inside me there is silence, I have the impression of emptiness inside me, what is missing? Here, it’s the person next to me that is missing. I listen to myself and I sense the impression of emptiness that I feel, it’s trying to tell me that I do not feel emotions for the person next to me. This person is teaching me that without emotion I feel a sense of emptiness in me. An absence of this emotion is what causes the feeling of emptiness in me.


Finally I understand the emptiness, it’s the emotion that is absent. Therefore I am learning that the emotion is what allows me to feel life inside the heart, life is the emotion.


I move on, and the emotion now communicates to me a sense of me that is changing, the emotion returns to me, and I notice that the former impression of emptiness is now filled, we are talking of me now, I have full awareness of what I am thinking, full awareness of what I am living, I have awareness of me as a person, this is what I am feeling is teaching me: the person puts the emotion, moves the emotion in me, the person is an emotion of life. In just about a minute I learned the meaning of life, the meaning is in the person, the meaning is in what the person is feeling. When the contact of the emotion is upon the other, it seeks the other person, in placing distances, the emotion has once again a contact with ourselves. The emotion sends me life in the contact with the other person.


My beloved brothers, my beloved sisters, now let’s experiment at every meeting with what we feel, what we feel in the emotion, the great range of feelings. Let’s start by sensing what is happening to us, inside us, through the emotion, with every contact let’s seek the teaching on the many emotions that move inside us: being present when picking up the emotion means picking up the emotion inside us and this is knowledge of ourselves and finally this knowledge of us will be linked to the knowledge of our heart.


I embrace you with much Love


Your Brother Jesus Christ


The Knowledge Of Our Heart Teachings is the Message dictated 14th October 2010




The Knowledge Of Our Heart Teachings


The Knowledge Of Our Heart


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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