Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


The source of value is inside of you

The source of value is inside of you message of teaching


The source of value is inside of you : my dear and sweet brothers and my dear and sweet sisters, I come with my voice to speak to you, I come with my heart to speak to you and to listen to these emotions that these words will create in you. I love you brothers, I love you sisters; my entire heart is in this affirmation, and when I tell you that I love you my contact makes contact with the heart of each one of you. I go inside the heart and I listen to your impressions of what you are living, what surrounds you, what is happening around you, you have so many reasons to explain to yourselves every impression that you draw; Love, bring Love, to help you understand.


As you observe, place the understanding of that heart in the first place, ask yourselves first of all how that heart that you are looking at is feeling, what motivation he is carrying inside his Being that is determining his actions, there are situations where a heart that is suffering, that is feeling humiliated, decides to offend; there are situations where a heart that does not understand, decides to offend; just like there are many other situations in this humanity where possessions, as opposed to life, is what’s important, and there are people who are being offended for them having these possessions. There are many forms in life where there is expression of possession. Possession for many people is also in the Heart, the possession of a family, possession of children, possession of a serenity, possession of one’s own Love, but how could Love, which is an expression of full freedom, be claimed as one’s own?


Life in your dimension is teaching you to have, to own, to conquer value with every possession, but what is the ultimate value that you are conquering? Love? No, it isn’t.


Expression is value, when a child is in the arms of his father and they exchange affection, this is actually value that goes into their heart; embracing when you meet is value that goes into the heart; when the wellbeing of the other person is in your heart, this is value that goes into the heart; when a brother welcomes another brother, this is value that goes into the heart; when you love, the expression is in the act of taking care of the other; the expression of life is as you tend to the other person; the heart that feels at one with the person he is tending to will feel possession inside, possession of his Love for the other. And this, brothers and sisters, is love.


And I turn to you, you can become value when there is an expression of your Love from your heart, and the real possession is a possession inside the heart of Love that is being donated to the other.


Brothers and sisters, this is therefore my invitation, you have in the heart every possibility to be a source of true serenity, the source of value is inside of you.


With all my Love


Your brother Jesus Christ


The source of value is inside of you message of teaching  was the Message dictated 30th May 2011




The source of value is inside of you message of teaching


The source of value is inside of you


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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