Le Parole degli Angeli
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What makes us similar to the other

What makes us similar to the other: the heart


What makes us similar to the other : my beloved brothers and my beloved sisters, today I would like to speak to all of you about the Love for the other person, so that you may understand the importance for life, for the experience you are leading, for all other persons who are not you.


Open up the newspaper, someone is talking to you, open the door, someone else is going through their experience of life on earth just like you, whether you meet people or whether you are alone, the other person is always present, even in your dreams there are others, others other than you.


How are you receiving these words?


Listen to how you perceive the other.


There are brothers and sisters who react to my words with the problems they are experimenting when contacting others.


There are brothers and sisters who inside themselves are counting others with an infinite number.


There are brothers and sisters who notice that these words include everybody, even themselves, because in the experience of themselves they are the other person for all brothers.


Therefore in the experience of themselves we are both Me and the Other at the same time.


Good, let’s meet the other. Health, commitments, experience matured, what constitutes your thought, his voids in his existence, the contact highlights what part of ourselves resides in the other; you notice as you get to know the other that there is an expression of yourselves: the other is simultaneously the other and you.


What meaning does this observation bring to us?


I am in the other.


I am, and I am also in the other.


When I use the term brother, I am not focusing my attention on the sexual fact, but on this Truth of being a brother as a part of me, I see in a brother his being a part of myself.


This observation shows me that what makes us similar is the emotion, is what we feel, what is inside us, the heart, this is what makes us brothers. As we experiment inside our own emotions, this makes us brothers; as we experiment emotions, this too makes us brothers; both in me and in the other there are the same emotions, and the other has the same experience of me: they light up in their lives. What my heart is experimenting, is what makes us brothers.


Now, at this point of our trip, inside these thoughts, I see brothers as opposed to others, with one unique denominator: the heart.


I place in front of my eyes the heart as me inside the other.


Why place distances, all I am doing is place distance between my heart and theirs


Why offend them or make fun of them, I would be making fun and offending my heart inside them.


Why deceive them, I would be deceiving my heart in the other.


Why violence, I would be using violence on my heart in the other


In the Love, I would be loving my heart in the other


I love my heart in you brother and sisters, and as I hug you tightly I believe we are a part of one unique heart, the Us that shines on earth and continues inside the heart in the Sky.


With you in the joy


Your brother Jesus Christ


What makes us similar to the other: the heart was the Message Dictated 27th October 2011




What makes us similar to the other: the heart


What makes us similar to the other


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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