Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


Change as an opportunity in life

Change as an opportunity in life to place a possibility into my life


Change as an opportunity in life : my beloved brothers and my beloved sisters, being with you is always an occasion to tell you how much I love you, to take your tiredness, every negative feeling you have, every worry, every emotion that gives you anguish in your life for your future, I place all this upon myself, and from my heart I listen to you, to be the little light that shines inside you, inside your hearts; you go through so many changes in life, resolutions fall by the wayside, projects that exist during this span of time, this change that accompanies life is an experience that always fills the heart with anguish and worry and constant fear that the change may bring you to be in even more anguish than you were before.


Through your brothers you notice that the change often brought them to live new situations where they met joy, discovery, a new possibility, and this continuous experience places hope inside you for a little bit, but then for you the passage is yet to discover, and so you believe that a moment of good luck only goes to a few people, and so your heart dims its light once again.


You see, there are many occasions you may come across in your life, they are not just for others, they are there for you too, you need to look for them, while being well aware that  the change you look for will spur a new life, which will have further new possibilities.


When anguish leaves the heart that is seeking, then the heart fills with hope, in that moment life becomes an opportunity that is placed in front of you. An effort that brings you an opportunity, a search that brings about an opportunity, being outside seeking opportunity, and waiting for the moment when you meet the occasion.


Through your heart you see what, in your opinion, could be life in your work, in meeting another heart that could be a couple with you, an exchange of what you think, joy when meeting, joy to enjoy in your life.


Today I greet change as an opportunity, as a moment that can open me to a new, important experience for my Being, an opportunity to experiment myself in a different context, to be my Love in a way that I have not yet experimented, today I want to experiment myself in the emotion of possibility, today I wish to place an opportunity into my life.


I keep this message close to my heart: change as a possibility.


I wrap you in my Love, my brothers and sisters


Your brother Jesus Christ


Change as an opportunity in life to place a possibility into my life was the Message dictated 20th February 2012




Change as an opportunity in life to place a possibility into my life


Change as an opportunity in life


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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