Le Parole degli Angeli
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Waiting for the new Pope message

Waiting for the new Pope message from the Sky


Waiting for the new Pope message : the new Pope is now among you, let’s prepare to welcome him: the light is upon you, it’s time to wait for the new Pontiff, today as always we wait, he is coming, who will that heart be? you ask yourselves from the media, the heart that everyone is awaiting, the brother who will take on the responsibility to be for you the Guide for years to come; this Love, my brothers, will be for you a guiding light, a message of orientation, an interpretation among you of our reality; this is in the management, and it’s included in his actions, orientation, interpretation, and example.


Like all brothers who perform this important task for you, the new Pope will also have to be known for his words, from his effort, his emotions, his words the words he will tell the world about important questions and the effect that they will have in your hearts.


There are multiple candidates, but only one choice will be made, and it will be a surprise, and once the Conclave is sealed, his effort will begin; with Love, we welcome his effort with Love; let’s welcome him with Love and get to know him; let’s welcome with Love his great responsibility toward all of us that his heart is taking upon, and, always with love, let’s welcome his effort in the questions that need to be answered in the world; let’s accompany that heart in the world, because he is carrying me.


With Love let’s accompany him through the many moments that will come, moments that will leave traces in your history, in the history together with you.


Keeping a memory of Pope is done in the emotion, but do open up to the present times, let’s welcome this heart, let’s welcome him with Love.


I thank you for your help


Your brother Jesus Christ


Waiting for the new Pope message from the Sky was the Message dictated 11th March 2013




Waiting for the new Pope message from the Sky


Waiting for the new Pope message


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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