Le Parole degli Angeli
Italiano  Inglese


The time of the heart the passage of life

The time of the heart the passage of life messages


The time of the heart the passage of life : my eyes on your times, you are going through an important passage my dear and beloved brothers and my dear and beloved sisters, a passage of time, a passage of commitments, a passage in contact with needs, this time will be great for you, if you will go through it with your heart.


Will your hands be able to be in contact with others in the affection, will your voice bring advice, support and help in the contact with others? Will your step stop when faced with someone’s need for help in suffering? Will your living your needs bring you to choose the means to satisfy your need while respecting others? And even in times of pain, will you have an open heart to others who are suffering in life?


Today, my brothers, let’s reflect on the myself that life is going through, myself, me in life, I will push myself forward, but is this push coming from the heart?


Maybe, always, sometimes, in life it’s the way it is, you answer.


There are many moments, opportunities in life, the pain that surrounds you, the necessities that surround you, the needs that surround you, they represent opportunities to help, and it’s always around you, however, there are opportunities for you, even moments, the occasion where you donate yourselves, the moment when you deploy yourselves.


It is so difficult to donate yourselves, however, this is the time of yourselves.


My remembering that the time you are going through is the time of the heart leads you, my brothers, to questions your own self as a heart.


The heart, my heart, now, a balance sheet in the present, is my Love being expressed to others? Is my Love expressed in the action? In the multitude of affections that surround me right now, do I feel my Love being transmitted? In society, in life among people I don’t know, do I think with selfishness or do I listen to my heart, recognizing the other as a brother?


This is my time, the time of my heart, the time of true commitment of myself, the Love expressed to others will be my baggage at the end of this time, time of experience of myself, time of expression of my heart, time of my heart in the experience.


My brothers, it’s important to understand that life, this passage, is the time of the heart, there are no other passages as big for the heart as this passage you are going through on earth; this time is entirely dedicated to the heart, to rediscovering yourselves as a heart, to expressing from your feelings the Love you donated to that time, the time of your creation, from our Father.


My brothers, little and big ones, the Love that is equal in everyone, during the time of the heart, in the help that is being given, makes you, your self, little and big brothers, not in the heart, but in what is being expressed by that heart in the world.


I hope for you that the result in this circumstance of your reflection on your own self will satisfy you, may it be a source of satisfaction for what you have already been expressing, and may this encourage you to give ever more space to your heart, during this time, in this passage.


I also wish that the dissatisfaction you feel in the experience that we have lived together today, will bring you advice. Love, only Love, living yourselves as Love, Love experimented, donating yourselves, this is the sense of the passage, it’s the send of this time, the meaning of your making strides in these times.


With warmth, I embrace you in the Love


Your brother Jesus Christ


The time of the heart the passage of life is the Message dictated on 22nd October 2015




The time of the heart the passage of life


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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