Le Parole degli Angeli
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The road of selfishness and Love

The road of selfishness and Love Messages from God the Father


The road of selfishness and Love : hello my children, hello everyone, today I would like to speak to you of this moment you are going through; in the past, you have dedicated your time to accumulate treasures, to send the value of possession to others, even a large slice of humanity has been exploited to allow you goods, and the result is now the violence that is scaring you.


My dear ones, violence is nothing but the result of years and years of such mentality; it is not very pleasant to see this humanity and noticing that nothing wants to change, either in terms of equity or privilege.


Answer a question: why?


To say in words, with the words of a Father, it is just selfishness.


My love as a Father for every child does not wish for the suffering of a betrayed child, an abused child, a child living in horror, a dead child, a valley of tears is becoming my heart, as I see brothers thinking in selfishness, selfishness, this is the malaise of earth.


Can selfishness defeat Love? This is what you confront with now, and you decide every moment if selfishness will defeat Love among you.


One last question: how many of you are brothers, feel like brothers of others, and behave as brothers?


Let’s count.


Many brothers, but they need to believe in other brothers, in humanity, in their desire of improve everybody’s experience, this is the reason for the silence, this humanity seeks in brothers the stimulation while not understanding that they are in fact the real stimulation.


The possibility is born from the moment in which we observe a change and many active brothers are the change.


In the arms of this humanity, why don’t you think of the precious contribution of Love that is in you, make visible every movement of Love, do participate to every movement of Love, and be stimulation with your own Love.


With you, forever, your Father


The road of selfishness and Love Messages from God the Father was Message 14 January 2016




The road of selfishness and Love Messages from God the Father


The road of selfishness and Love


www.leparoledegliangeli.com/en The words of the Angels


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